Always that one person

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I decided that its time for everyone around toy to have their thoughts put into the story

[princetons pov]

Ever since that inscident between me and toy ive wanted to talk to her.   Maybe i should go and talk to her maybe we could patch things up. While everyone was in there own conversations i got up and went to the hotel room. i went in and toy was in her room. i knocked on the door just to get no answer. i took a risk and opened the door. She was laying on the bed sleeping. She was so cute. Maybe i should wait till she wakes up i thought , but i couldnt get myself to move. I Finnally moved when i noticed that what i was doing was kind of ...i dont know...wierd. I went into the kitchen and pulled out my ice cream and went to see if she was awake yet. 

"Why are you here"

"Because i didnt feel like being downstairs"

"You do know i dont like you right" she said nonchanantly"

"Yea, i just cant figure out why"

"To be honest i dont want any problems with anyone, so lets just pretend like were just meeting right now"

"Hi my name is jacob but you can call me princeton. Want some" I said handing the ice cream to her

"Thanks princeton my name is laytoya but you can call me toy ,i gues we do have some things in common." she said smiling

"and whats that"

"Were both dumb asf" 


" Im sorry about judging you so quickly your a really cool dude"

" dont worry about it we all make mistakes wana go somewhere?


"Somewhere other then here" i said laughing

she took no hesitation to get  up and get dressed.  she has such a bubbly personnality when she isnt being mean and scary.

"let me just cut a small piece. just a teeny tiny bit" 

"girl you are crazy if you think im letting you cut my hair" 

we ended up running around the park  laughing and playing until she stopped and just stared.

"toy whats wrong"

 she didnt say anything she just stared

i turned to see what she was looking at and it was a guy a little taller then me with a snapback on with a girl. she was really pretty. she was hispanic with long curly hair that was a honey blonde color with hazel brown eyes. The only thing that wouldve stopped me from getting her number if i saw her on the street was that she was pregnant.

when i turned back around to face toy she was walking towards them smilling.

i ran to catch up with her. This could only end baddly.

"ehhem" she said clearing her throat "wat a cute couple" she said looking at the guy. when he looked at her he looked like a deer caught in headlights. the girl smiled and said thankyou. "How long have you guys been going out?" she asked balling her fists up but still smilling. I could tell something was up but i just observed everything without saying a word.

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