Mission Acomplished?

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It's now a week since the game. Thoughts keep going through my mind, and they won't leave. I can barely concentrate in school anymore.

I walk into homeroom with Jacob, who doesn't really talk about him and Erica anymore. Strange. I decide to not bring it up. Something may be going on.

I sit down and Jacob looks at me and we have a decent conversation, even though half of it was me complaining about my personal space and for Jacob to stop putting his elbows on my desk.

All of sudden, I hear Mia talking about Erica, and how she's going to shadow for the day. I look at Jacob and he says it's true. Today's my chance to talk to Erica and warn her about Mia!

It's now Art class, the first class of the day. Erica is shadowing Mia. Great. How am I supposed to warn her?

While Mia is getting stuff for the table, I go up to Erica and I get to introduce myself, again. I don't think she remembers me from Valentine's Day. We talk about what school she came from, but I didn't get enough time to personally warn her.

It's now gym class, and its now my chance. While Mia is getting changed,
I approach Erica and I warn her about everything. After that, one of the administration people came in and told her that her parents were here. I'm happy. I warned her, even though it may be a little late.

Mission accomplished?

Just FriendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora