Valentine's Day

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It's now Valentine's Day. Jacob is on a cruise for the whole winter break, do I've been third wheeling flora and Cade's dates, and I hate it. On the good side, my depression is gone, and my anxiety isn't as bad anymore.

Since the end of January, I've decided that I have to back off of the relationship and let Jacob put some effort in it. I have to stop worrying over it, so I've been a lot better.

For Valentine's Day, Cade, Flora, me, and one of our friends Jade go to the mall. Jocelyn has been sick for the whole break, so it really sucks.

We watch a movie and go skating. I had a lot of fun, even though I'm waiting for a call on supposed to get from Jacob, because it's Valentine's Day.

It's almost midnight, and still no call yet. I tried calling, but nobody answered. Fuck it.

I order pizza, grab my cat and watch Netflix. This is what I call a decent Valentine's Day.

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