The Waiting Game

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It's now the next day. I texted Erica, except she didn't answer. I guess I have to play the waiting game.

Today is the second day of softball practice. Hopefully, more people will show up this time, but first I have to get through school.

It's now lunch. Quan keeps looking at us. What is his problem? It's so annoying. I can't even eat because I'm overthinking like crazy.

I just want Jacob to be happy, even if it's with someone else. That's all I want.

It's now softball practice. Like yesterday, Kaitlyn and I go to the gym locker rooms and get into our practice clothes.

I come out of the gym locker room and see Jacob with his other friends. Ever since both of our coaches are running late today, Jacob and I decide to throw and catch to each other. It was fun. It made me feel a little bit better.

It's now softball practice. More people showed up today. Anyways, I'm in the batting cages, and I decide I need to go get some water and so does Kaitlyn. Our coach lets us go to the locker room, where I left my phone.

We go into the empty locker room, and I get my water and my phone. I turn it on and I got a text, from Erica.

"Oh my god!"


"Erica texted back!"

We sit in the locker room and text back and forth. I warn her about Mia's plan. She tells me her side of the story.

Me: did you know that Jacob punched a wall?

Erica: yeah. He scared me and then got frustrated...

Me: how did he scare you

Erica: we got into an argument... I don't know if I love him anymore.

Me: oh ok

I kept it at that. I need to think of a plan.

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