So Creative...

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It's now October 21st, the day of the dance. It's now 6:00 pm. I out on my Cat Halloween costume. It looks nice I guess.

I straighten my hair and do my makeup. After many, many attempts, I FINALLY got my whiskers to be even.

I get into the car with my dad and he drives to me Jocelyn's house. I knock on the door and she comes out. She is wearing her fox costume from last year! I look at her.

"Wow. So creative."

We both laugh.

"I know it is." She says as she flips her hair.

Ever since flora and kaitlyn don't live near by, I can't pick them up. Kaitlyn is picking up flora on the way.

It's now 7:03. I get to the dance, where there's a lot of people. I look EVRYWHERE for Jacob, and he isn't there.

All of a sudden, I notice that I think he may be with his girlfriend. Shit. I came here for nothing.

I guess kaitlyn noticed I was upset.

"What's wrong?"

I look at her. "Nothing. It's just kind of boring."


I tried to make the best of it. It was pretty fun I guess.

I get home and I take off my makeup and out on my pajamas. I take my instant camera out of my bag and look at some of the pictures. They're really funny. I smile a little.

It was fun, but it would've been a lot more fun if Jacob was there.

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