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I take my phone back down with me to the batting cages. My only wish in life is for Jacob to be happy, and I'll do anything to help save his relationship.

I start batting. I put all of my anger out on the ball. When I miss or don't swing good, it gets me even more frustrated, which causes me to get even more anger out on the next hit.

I guess Kaitlyn can see I'm angry, since I hit the ball so hard, that the ball got stuck in the nets.

"What's wrong?"

"I cant think of anything!" I say as I go over to my phone.

Kaitlyn and I sit in the bench and I get a text from Erica. I just had to ask her.

Me: what's Mia's number?

She gives me her number. I text and call Mia but she doesn't answer. Fuck. I don't need this right now.

It's now after practice. I'm frustrated. I lie on my bed. I don't think I can do anything about this.

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