61. Midnight Snacks

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Why: You two are celebrating something

What: Large vanilla shakes at a diner down the street


Why: You two were out drinking with your friends, and were starving when you got home

What: Girl Scout cookies that were still on your counter from when you bought them earlier that day


Why: He couldn't sleep and got bored, so he started cooking

What: Homemade Mac n' cheese that he made


Why: You had a late work night and forgot to eat dinner before going to bed.

What: Cupcakes Loki had baked for you two while you were at work.


Why: He got home late from a mission

What: Bag of potato chips he picked up on the way home


Why: He was hungry, of course.

What: Poptarts


Why: You needed cheering up

What: Burnt pancakes that Tony made


Why: You couldn't sleep

What: Peanut Butter Sandwich 


Why: You had a rough day at work and needed comfort food

What: Ben and Jerry's

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