22. Favorite Thing About Them

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How romantic he is. It may be old-fashioned romance, but it makes you feel special.


He's an incredibly sweet person, especially to you. He treats you like his entire world revolves around you.


How unapologetic he is about affection. Doesn't matter if you're alone, with friends or in public he's not afraid to show how much he loves you.


His commitment, to you, to learning what you teach him, or to his goals. He's not the type of person to stray from a path he's laid out for himself.


His sarcasm. He is constantly making snarky comments and has you laughing all the time, even on days when you didn't think you could.


His excitement for pretty much everything. Thor is a very lively spirit and he's never shy about letting the world know that's happy or excited about something.


His blunt honesty. This makes some people think he is an ass, but you find it refreshing and it makes it easier trust him.


Her protectiveness. While sometimes it can be frustrating, you know that it's because she loves you and you have grown to appreciate it.


Her adventurous spirit. Like you, Wanda is always looking to try something knew and explore the world around her.

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