58. When They're Jealous

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He just puts an arm securely around you and doesn't say anything about it, although later on he might need some reassuring. He doesn't mention the need for it, but knowing him as well as you do you know he needs it and make sure to tell him how much you love him.


He definitely gets upset and starts to become withdrawn, which concerns you. You try to get him to talk about it, but he won't because he knows that he's being a bit irrational, that the guy is your friend, and doesn't want to be in the way of that friendship. So you just cuddle him for hours until he feels better and starts smiling again.


Pietro gets super clingy and tries his best to be the ideal boyfriend. He's usually the perfect boyfriend anyway and the extra effort is definitely something you notice, so you confront him about it. He tries denying his jealousy but you wear him down eventually and when he does you make sure to reassure him.


Loki gets silently defensive when he's jealous, he makes sure to pull you closer and holds you tightly. He also glares quite angrily at the person who flirted with you, to the point at which you're worried that eventually looks may actually kill, but also find it kind of amusing and giggle worthy.


He gets angry at the person who has been harassing you, and without realizing it he starts flexing his biceps and clenching his jaw which turns you on. This leads you to attempt and defuse the situation by turning his anger into passion, which works quite well and he gets dominant for a night of hot passionate sex, which you quite enjoy. 


Thor is simple about his reactions to jealousy. If the barista is getting too flirtatious Thor will give him an obviously fake smile and wrap his arm around your waste to pull you closer to him. Then when you the two of you sit down to drink your coffee he will sit so close to you that your basically in his lap.


Tony puts on his sassy pants and uses more snark than you thought was possible, so much so that he starts offending pretty much everyone, not just Steve. Once he reaches this point it's time to confront and tell him he's being ridiculous and that you love him and only him.


She starts silently hoping for an excuse to kill your neighbor and trying to make sure that the two of you don't run into each other in the hall. She starts insisting that he pick up the mail instead of you which confuses you until you figure out why. Once you do figure it out you think it's cute and let her keep getting the mail.


Wanda silently stews in her jealousy until it boils over and she starts getting really snarky towards your friend. When she does you pull her side and make her tell you what is wrong , then you make sure that she knows how much you love in as many ways as possible and remind her that your friend likes men.

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