[15 : epilogue]

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Michael was the one to head over to Luke's apartment two days later and find that the door had been unlocked.

At first he thought that the place had been broken into, mostly because of the unlocked door and the fact that half of Luke's belongings were scattered around on the floor. Then he remembered that Luke was pretty fucking messy and that his apartment tended to normally look like this anyway.

He looked around the place, calling out his best friends name and hearing no reply whatsoever. The thing was that the boys hadn't heard from their friend in two days. And he hadn't turned up to band practise that morning. Luke was always at band practise.

"Luke-!" The now green-haired boy was cut off at the sight of a note taped to the bedroom door.

             Hey, whoever's reading this.
             It's Luke, leaving this note, if you hadn't noticed. Sorry for not warning you or anything, everything was kind of sudden. We're going to Bali, Annabelle and me. God knows why but she's always wanted to go and I want to go with her and that's pretty much all there is to it. And then Greece, I think she said. Greece sounds nice.

        I don't know why I'm leaving, there's just this feeling that I get whenever I'm with her and well- fuck. Because she's the fucking one. As cheesy as it sounds, she's the one and I love her, so fucking much. And I don't know if her level of love matches mine for her but in all honesty, I don't care.

                  Don't worry, I'll be back. So I'll see you guys sometime soon, yeah? Love you boys (-:

         - Luke

                    THE END

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