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"Hayley won't quit bugging me about our goddamn anniversary." Luke laughed, watching as Calum chuckled under his breath and popped the top off of a beer bottle, handing him the drink before dropping onto the couch next to him.

"When is it again?"

"Next Tuesday."

"One whole year, huh? That's impressive. Even for you, loser." The brunette boy replied, reaching over to punch his friend in the shoulder. "So? What'd you get her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, as a gift. You've gotten her something right?" He asked, his eyes were dead set on Luke's as he struggled to respond. A gift? They'd been dating for a whole fucking year and they were still supposed to buy goddamn gifts?

"Uhhh- kind of, I mean like, well- not exactly." He managed to stutter out and Calum smirked, shaking his head playfully before taking another sip of the ice cold drink in his hand.

"Jesus Luke, unless you want to be single next Tuesday I suggest you buy the girl a gift." He returned making Luke groan out loud in reply.

"What, so like... flowers?" He only gave the blonde a smug smile in reply, setting his beer bottle down on the small table in front of the two of them and running a hand over his face tiresomely. "What? Chocolates then?"

"God dammit, you two have been dating for a year and the best gift that you can think of is flowers and chocolate?" He asked, cocking his head to the side before raising one eyebrow. "I thought you must have been some kind of hopeless romantic, how the hell do you get so many fucking girls?" That earned him a hard shove in the shoulder and he rolled his eyes before standing from his seat, he began to pace. And it shouldn't of, but this seemed to make Luke ten times dizzier than he already was.

"Look, I can't deal with this crap right now. I'll sort it later- where the fuck are Ash and Michael?" The blonde replied, standing and walking over to the set up in front of the two. All four of them had agreed that band practise was at six o'clock sharp every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For some reason they struggled with this concept every single week and someone was almost always late.

"Speak of the devil." Calum murmured at the sound of a car outside and the two boys were soon met with their peers. Calum offering a small smile and Luke scowling lightly.

"Fuck Luke, what's up your ass?" The newly blacked-haired boy asked, a smirk covering his face as he finished off the cheeseburger in his hands and dropped his keys onto one of the couches. The blonde didn't reply, just flipped him off as he pulled the strap of his guitar over one shoulder, turning on his amp and waiting for the other boys to get set up.

"I think it might be one of Luke's period days." Ashton teased before chuckling under his breath and taking a seat in front of his beloved drum kit, tapping his drum sticks together a few times before waiting for the song choice.

"Guys, back off. Luke's having some trouble in paradise." Calum cooed teasingly, attempting to pinch Luke's cheek and failing miserably as he batted his hand away, sending the tan boy a harsh scowl before focusing his gaze hard on the ground.

"Oooh, paradise is so hard with my steady job and my nice car and my hot little girlfriend." Michael mused, causing the smallest of smiles to finally grace across Luke's lips. "I'm kidding mate, you know I'm kidding. What's the problem?"

"Lukey here, the adorable little cherub that he is, forgot to get Hayley dearest an anniversary gift." Calum answered for him and Ashton rolled his eyes, Michael laughed out loud before slapping a hand down across his mouth.

"Who gives a shit? Honestly? She's one of the most materialistic girls I've ever fucking met." Ashton started, ignoring the open mouthed look that he was getting from Calum. "What was it that you got her for her birthday? Oh, that's right. A fucking iPhone six as well as a goddamn holiday in Beijing."

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