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"Calum, could you please ask Michael to hand me the bowl of popcorn?"

"Really? You're really doing this, Luke? What are we? Fucking twelve years old?" Michael exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air before pushing the plastic bowl of popcorn roughly into the blonde boys lap.

Luke had been giving Michael the silent treatment for three days. His hand was now in a rather lovely blue cast and Michael was sporting a left eye that was now the colour of a plum, much like his faded black hair at the moment. Luke's broken hand meant that he couldn't play the guitar, Luke not being able to play the guitar meant that band practise was cancelled and so the four lads had decided on junk food and watching a movie instead. Ashton was late as usual.

"Calum, could you please also remind Michael that my hand is broken because of him-"

"It isn't my fault your hand's fucking broken, you've got a shitty temper! That's what it is-"

"Calum, please tell Michael that my temper is practically non existent."

"Non existent? You gave me a fucking black eye!" Michael replied, turning around in his seat and throwing a slice of pepperoni pizza right at the blonde boy, hitting him straight in the cheek and leaving a streak of tomato sauce down his face.

"Calum, please tell Michael that he's an asshole." Luke grumbled, reaching forward to grab a paper napkin and mop up the sauce.

"No, fuck you. You wanna play it that game? Calum, tell Luke that he's a little bitch."

"Michael, I'm not fucking saying that."

"Go on. Tell him that he's a little bitch that's acting like even more of a little bitch because of his ex-girlfriend that dumped him a whole fucking year ago." He seethed, watching as Luke's gaze turned slowly to finally meet his, his eyes squinted in anger.

"Screw you."

"Finally a goddamn reply, Jesus Christ it's about time."

"You're a fucking asshole, you know that?"

"You know what? You're not exactly-"

"Oh, would the both of you just shut the fuck up?" The two boys turned to see Calum standing from his seat and glaring at the pair of them. "You're acting like a couple of ten year old idiots and for what? Because Michael accidentally invited some girl that Luke used to date-? Michael, you shouldn't have invited that Annabelle chick, right? But you did and now there's nothing that we can do about it. And Luke, stop giving Michael the fucking silent treatment because it's getting old and I'm sick of having to talk for you, okay? Okay?!"

"Jesus, okay."

"Now say sorry to Michael for being an arse."

"Sorry, Michael." The blonde boy replied, scoffing loudly and stuffing another handful of buttery popcorn into his mouth.

"You too, Mikey."

"Me? What the hell did I do? He gave me a fucking black eye-"

"God, just shut up and apologise." Calum sighed, letting both hands run over his face, feeling like a mother having to scold her young children.

"Fine, I'm sorry Luke-"

"Good, now-"

"Sorry that you're such a little bitch!"

"God dammit, Michael!"

"Go to hell!"

"What the fuck is going on?" The three were soon interrupted by Ashton walking in through the front door of Calum's apartment, dropping his keys onto the small table in the foyer and coming to join the three boys in the lounge room.

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