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"So his girlfriend's here?" Naomi asked, her eyes going wide as Michael nodded and slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her close so that he could press a small kiss to the back of her neck.

"Ex girlfriend but yeah. He's pissed." He murmured against her skin before standing up straight and looking across the room to where a few people were dancing. Luke was currently stumbling around, a large glass bottle of vodka in one hand and some skinny blonde girl grinding up against him.

"Pissed as in drunk? Or pissed as in angry?" She smirked, leaning into the tall boys shoulder and taking a sip of the fruity punch in her hand.

"Both." He mused, laughing as Luke left the dance floor and handed someone the bottle of vodka, coming over to the cute couple and wrapping his arms around the both of them.

"Look at you two- looking all- looking all... Like, cute and shit over here." He giggled, pressing a loud kiss to Michael's cheek and smirking. "I'm having such a good time. Such a fucking good time."

"That's great man, why don't you go and dance some more?" Michael smirked, patting his best friend on the head and motioning back to the dance floor.

"I don't- I can't- I need a partner." The blonde slurred, his eyes going wide as he stumbled and leaned against Michael's arm for support. "Have you- do you know where Ashton is? Because he's a good dancer and I think that we'll be able to win the competition."

Michael couldn't help but splutter with laughter at his friends words. "Ashton's actually passed out somewhere upstairs, Lukey boy. He's had way too much to drink. Speaking of, I think you should probably calm it with the vodka, yeah?"

"It doesn't matter. I've given the bottle to my friend Eliza- Lizzle-Manizzle." Luke giggled, turning his head when he felt Annabelle come and join the group. She was under the influence of something as well, whether it was alcohol or drugs Luke didn't know but she was full of energy as she slung an arm around the tall boys neck.

"Luke! I haven't seen you all night." She gushed, taking in his flushed appearance and dark eyes.

Michael and Naomi were finding the situation to have been growing increasingly awkward by the second. If the two hadn't been high and drunk they probably wouldn't have uttered a few words to one another. Seconds later the two of them were out on the dance floor, Luke's hands running down Annabelle's waist as the two of them giggled about something.

"Should we like, intervene or something?" Naomi asked, cocking her head to the side and giggling under her breath.

"Why? They're having fun, aren't they?" Michael laughed before slipping his arms around her waist from behind and pressing a kiss to her neck. "I'm sure they're enjoying themselves."


"So that's her, huh?" Annabelle asked, her head leaning against Luke's shoulder as he stood on the grass in front of Michael's apartment. He nodded and sighed under his breath, shaking his head at the thought of him ever having dated Hayley. Because right now she was making out with some guy pushed up against his car, her eyes wide open and staring at Luke as she let out little moans under her breath.

"Jesus, she's hot." The blonde girl sighed, laughing under her breath at the look that Luke gave her. "What? She is. Like, I'm pretty sure that I'm one hundred percent straight but her, God, even I'd fuck her."

"That's not helping in any way." He sighed, sitting down on the front step and trying to keep his gaze trained on Annabelle so he didn't have to look at his ex girlfriend practically dry humping some dude on a car. "Why are we out here anyway?" He groaned.

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