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Luke stretched his arms out across the empty bed, groaning sleepily under his breath as he tried to ignore the feeling of his stomach dropping. She was gone. Fuck.

Her clothes had disappeared from their bedroom floor and he was able to see the doors of their closet flung open, her side missing more than half of the items. She'd opened the blinds before leaving the bedroom and the sun from outside was sending gentle rays across the bedspread.

He stood slow, yawning into the palm of his hand and stretching even slower. He pulled on his pair of jeans from the ground, doing up the fly before going into the ensuite bathroom and brushing his teeth.

His class started in an hour, he considered staying home and skipping, just for today but the thought of being stuck in an empty apartment wasn't an appealing thought at all.

He wasn't angry or upset or sad or depressed at all. He was empty. He felt empty. Because he'd been so close to spending the rest of his life with her.

He slowly made his way down the stairs, scratching at his bare shoulder before taking another deep breath.

Her pass book laying on the kitchen counter caught his eye,

he heard a door slam and the rolling of wheels on a suitcase and then she was there. All dressed up with her hair in a bun and her makeup done, all ready to go.

"So you're really leaving?" He spoke, breaking the silence and the small span of time that they'd spent staring at each other.

"Luke, you knew that I wasn't going to stay forever. You knew that." She stated helplessly, her words slicing through him like knives.

"It hasn't even been a year. It's been what? Five or six months, Belle? And you're leaving already?" His voice was breaking, his hands came up to push his floppy hair back from his forehead.

"I don't know what you want-"

"That's the thing, Belle. You come back and you give me just enough time to fall in love with you again and then you're gone."

"It's not you, Luke. God, it's never you. It's Melbourne, it's suffocating me." She cried, letting go a dry laugh and meeting his eyes. "It's always the fucking same, the same streets, the same people. I want different, Luke. I want to stare at waterfalls and take pictures of sunsets halfway across the world."

"Whatever, I can't do this anymore, Annabelle. I can't fucking do this. Go to India or Hawaii or Bali or wherever the fuck you're going and stare at sunsets but when you come back, don't come and find me, alright? I don't even know why you stayed to say goodbye." He sighed, his eyes staying on hers before averting to the floor below them.

"I- I didn't stay to say goodbye." She murmured making Luke scoff under his breath and step forward to pick up the pass book on the counter.

"Then what are you still doing here? Here, take your ticket and go." He sighed, trying to push it into her hands.

"That's- it's not my ticket."


"I want you to come with me, Luke."

// ayyyyy last chapter, sorry that it's super short but I hope you enjoyed. It's kinda cute, although my opinion is semi-bias, hah. Epilogue will be up soon, stay chill🖖🏻 //

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