"But you have to promise to take all of us with you" John said.

"Of course, you're all coming home with us" Emma said.

John spoke in whispers directions to Pan's thinking tree, as Felix shouted angrily at him to shut up, and that Pan cared about all of them.

"I'm taking Henry and Charlie to the ship" Neal says explaining his plan.

"I'll take the girl you take Henry" Hook says picking Charlie's limp body up.

"Think you can do it with one hand? maybe I should do it, I am her father" David said mvoing to pick up his sleeping daughter.

"No mate, she's fine with me and besides, she's known me longer then you now hasn't she?" Hook said with his signature smirk.


Peter sat in his thinking tree, feeling the purity of Charlie's heart beating in the trunk.

"I'm sorry I did this to you Princess" Peter whispered absently into the wind. He froze as he heard Regina, Snow and Emma approach.

He smirked as the three of them were bound to the tree with magical vines.

"Don't you know? Peter Pan never fails? If you want to see your children again you should know there is only one way you will be reunited, in death" Peter growls holding up Pandora's box and the sword to Regina's throat.

"Where's Charlie's heart?" Emma asks struggling against the vines.

"Funny, you're leaning right against it....this tree is the place of very important events for me you know...I abandoned my son here....I first kissed Charlie here, among other things" Pan said smirking picking up the box.

"You see this tree attacks the regret inside you...only by letting all of them go, can you be free and get the girls heart" Peter says smirking.

Regina smirks back and rips Henry's heart out of Pan's body.

"What about Charlie's heart?" Emma asks.

"It's in the tree...." Peter whispers from the ground as Regina grabs the box.

"You love her don't you?" Snow asks as Peter lays on the ground.

"More then anything" Peter coughs out.

"Come on Emma, hurry before we loose both of them" Regina snaps.

Emma focuses her magic on the tree and closes her eyes reaching into it and plucking out Charlie's heart.

"Tell Charlie I love her would you?...she's too good for me, but she deserves to know just as much" Peter whispers. Snow says nothing as they race back to the ship.


Everyone watches and Henry's glowing golden heart of belief and Charlie's pure glowing white heart of light magic is placed back into their chests.

Everyone watches as Henry wakes up, him being engulfed in hugs by his father and mothers.

"Why isn't she waking up?!" Hook shouts towards everyone else as they circle around Charlie.

"It's the magic cuff...her heart is made of Magic...so unless she is uncuffed, which only Pan can do....she'll never wake up" Regina explains sadly.

"bring her below deck for now..." David orders.

"I've got it..." Neal says picking up her limp body and carrying her down the cabin stairs to a small room below deck in the captains quarters.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you" Neal whispered a placed a kiss on Charlie's forehead. Walking back up the stairs to rejoin the others.

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