Chapter 35

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Thunder rolled through the clouds above as the entire village gathered to pay respects to the fallen Hokage.

Rain continued to splatter on the ground, and soon Araile was soaked. Takumi shook out his fur again, and Araile suppressed a shiver as the wind blew around her. Flowers were given out at the beginning, and each villager put them on the Hokage's stone beside his picture.

Araile and Takumi each put a flower down with everyone else.

As everyone put their flowers down and paid their respect, it began to rain harder. She pushed back wet tendrils of hair and clutched Kakashi's hand. Small shivers began to rock her body as a gust of wind blew around the funeral.

Takumi shook rain off his coat again in a spray of water droplets.

"Let's go" Kakashi said quietly as the service finished.

Araile nodded and walked with him and Takumi until they reached the small apartment. The rain came down in sheets, creating a dull roar as it pounded against the windows. 

As she opened the door to her bedroom, a thought popped into her head.



"Where are my friends from the Land of Mortality place? What happened to them? Meiyo and Shinrai...are they still here in Konoha? Can I see them?" she asked, eagerness shining in her eyes.

She wanted to see them again. Hopefully, they were still in Konoha. She had so much to tell them! 

The look on Kakashi's face told Araile something different.

"I'm sorry Araile. They left right after your battle with Kane" he said quietly.

Her tail twitched as a cold pit settled in her stomach. She looked down at her feet as her heart began to ache.

"But..why?" she whispered thickly, tears burning the back of her throat.

Before Kakashi could answer, she walked into her room and curled up on her bed. Takumi whined and jumped up on the bed, settling down beside his companion. She turned her head towards the dog, and placed a hand on his head and rubbed his ear.

"I never got to say goodbye" Araile whispered to her companion as tears tracked their way down her cheeks and onto her pillow.

She sat up, not noticing the tears that dripped onto her lap. Takumi huffed and nuzzled her cheek. Araile smiled stiffly and snuggled against his soft, warm fur as he shifted closer to the 11 year old. She leaned on her back, bringing Takumi with her as she shifted her head against her pillow. She brought a hand up and continuously ran a hand through Takumi's fur. 

Soon, her eyes drifted shut as exhaustion took over her body. As she slumbered, Takumi gazed towards the bedroom door as Kakashi entered quietly. He gazed down at the young girl gently, sorrow in his visible eye. 

It killed the Jonin when she disappeared. Now she was back, and it killed the Jonin again that she was feeling such distress. He gently pulled her blanket over her body, and gave Takumi a pat on the head. He gazed at Araile again before gently brushing a few strands of hair away from her face. 

She had grown since the last time he saw her. No longer was she the small child who wanted to be held continuously, or frightened by loud noises. Scars here and there dotted her hands as they unconsciously clenched against the blanket. Sighing, Kakashi brushed a hand through his hair. 

Where did she get those? 

He would ask her about it when she awoke. Quietly he walked out of her bedroom, and closed the door behind him. Takumi watched the door for a few moments before he laid his head against Araile's stomach.

Weird images invaded her sleep that night. 

Crows chased her as she ran through a dark forest. Frogs smoked from large pipes, the smoke from the pipes weaving around Araile and burning her nose. The smoke twisted around Araile like a snake, and tightened until she couldn't breathe. A tree branch whipped around in the sky, twisting and turning in front of her. Her gold eyes widened in fear as the branch suddenly turned into a snake head. The snake reared it's head, it's red eyes boring into her gold ones. It opened it's mouth, saliva dripping from pearly white fangs. It hissed before lunging at Araile with it's mouth open.

A shriek woke her from her dreams. Her eyes snapped open, and she realized that it was her that shrieked. Takumi stretched and yawned widely.

A shudder rippled through her small frame as she pulled the blanket up to her chin. Blinking, she gazed around her room.

Sunlight streamed through the window and a bird chirped happily nearby.

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