It's All Over

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-Helena POV-
My head was pounding as I awoke in the morning to an empty bed. I recall the large amounts of pain and the sudden burst of scream of pain that had come from my lips.

"Victor?" I called out, my voice still thick with sleep. I got no response as I slipped out of bed, holding onto my slightly throbbing head. "Victor?!" I made my way through the hallways and slowly down the stairs.

Maybe he had fallen asleep on the couch, he did have to clean up afterwards and probably was too tired to make it to bed. A smile appeared on my face thinking about last night. It had been wonderful and completely full of love. He loved me, as I loved him. Sure we got on each others nerves and had our fights, but what couple didn't. At the end of the day we know we have each other and our love.

"Victor, come on. I'll make you...." I stop speaking as I don't find him in the living room. I shrug and make my way to the kitchen, thinking maybe he woke up early and beat me to make breakfast. Although that couldn't be it because there was no smell of food in the air or noises of anyone in the kitchen.

I step in the doorway of the kitchen and let out a scream when I notice a half naked guy laying on the floor. I saw a very smooth yet muscular back, loose fitting jeans, and very black hair. He was laying on his belly, a subtle snore coming the unconscious form.

I ran around him to the drawers where I knew there were knives, one of which I grabbed and held in front of me. This way I could protect myself from this intruder.

I stepped closer, nudging the figure with my foot to see if it would move. It groaned, making me jump back. "Whoever you are, I have a knife and am not afraid to use it. My boyfriend is around here and he'll kill you for breaking and entering."

"Honey, could you maybe not yell this early. I've got a huge headache." His deep groggy voice murmured as he shifted in his laying position.

"Look here buddy, you better get up and leave before I have to use this knife on you."

"Helena, what are you talking about?" The figure asks as it slowly starts to stand up. A groan erupts as he shakily stands on his feet, his head facing the ground so I can't see his features.

He was very fit and had an outrageously amazing body. His skin was very smooth and lightly tanned. "Wait, how do you know my name?" It finally hit me that he had called me by my name.

"Helena it's me." I finally get to see his face as he looks up at me and I meet face to face with an absolutely gorgeous human being. His facial features were almost too perfect, like someone had sculpted him out. He had a pair of the most alluring green eyes, they exactly matched the one Victor had. His skin was very smooth and almost had a certain shine to it. His lips were very luscious and oh so kissable.

"Who are you? What have you done with Victor?"

"Helena, it's me Victor. Please put the knife down. Will you stop staring at me like I'm a complete stranger. Here, hand me the knife." He steps closer, to which I immediately take a step back.

"Where is Victor?"

"I am Victor. Why do you keep asking me that?"

"You aren't Victor. Where is he? What did you do to him?" I grip the knife tightly in my hand, the sharp pointy end facing him. His familiar green eyes squint at me and then down at the knife.

"Helena. I'm Victor. Are you okay? Did you hit yourself? Do you not recognize me or something?" He genuinely sounded confused. He took a step towards me, making me raise the knife and making him stop in his tracks. He looks at the knife, his jaw seemed to drop in disbelief. He looked back up, meeting my eyes before taking off towards the stairs.

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