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-Helena POV-
I was awoken to the bright sunlight pouring down upon me through the open window, making me squint against the harshness of the intruding light. I yawned, turning around to see Victor's empty side of the bed. The sheets were cold, meaning he had gotten out of bed really early.
We had stayed up late, laying in bed just talking and getting to know each other better. I learned a lot more about him, and he about me. There was still a lot to learn, and we had the rest of our lives to learn.
I reached out and grabbed his pillow to hug to my chest, when I found a thick piece of white paper sitting underneath it.
Good morning sweetheart. I couldn't find myself to wake you up this morning, so I let you sleep in. By now it will most likely be eleven in the morning. So I want you to get up, get showered and dressed, and go downstairs and eat. We have a busy day ahead of us.
-Forever yours, Victor.
P.S you look utterly angelic while asleep and mutter my name in your sleep. Do you dream of me perhaps?
I feel myself blush at his letter, turning to the clock to see that it is actually a little past noon. I must have been really tired.
I do as he asks, taking a quick shower getting dressed. I slip on some old jeans, a black tank top, and grab one of Victor's hoodies which I slip on as well as my worn out sneakers. I quickly brush my hair and teeth, making my way downstairs after I'm all done.
I find Victor in the dinning room, sitting at the head of the table. He has two places set up, his own and the one to the right of himself.
"Good afternoon angel." Victor stands and pulls me into a tight hug as I approach him.
"Good afternoon." I snuggle into his embrace, missing his warmth. He helps me sit down and we begin to eat, carrying a conversation as we enjoy the meal. "Did you cook?" I ask after we are done.
"Well it's not that hard to make some sandwiches."
"I meant the soup."
"Oh. No, I didn't." He blushes as he scratches the back of his head. "It's not that hard to open a can and microwave some soup. I heard the shower running and got this done before you came down." I could tell he was embarrassed about it, and I couldn't help but giggle and slip out of my seat to approach him.
"Thank you, I appreciate this Victor." I wrap my hands around him in a hug and slowly pull away. He pulls me down onto his lap and takes a lock of my hair in his fingers.
"Did I tell you how amazing you look this morning? If not, you look utterly beautiful, especially in my hoodie. You wear it better than I do." I blush at his words, burying my face into the crook of his neck.
"What do we have planned for today?" I change the topic, making Victor stand up with me in his arms. I squeal, wrapping my arms around his neck to hold on. He chuckles, carrying me as he walks up to his room where he gently lays me onto the bed and hands me the remote to his television. "We are going to watch some movies, you show me what you like to watch and vice versa."
"Are you sure? We can just watch whatever you want to, I don't mind."
"No, I want to see what is is that interest you. Show me what you are attracted to." He lays beside me, pulling me closer to himself.
So, that's how we spent about 6 hours of the day, going back and forth with movies and documentaries. We laughed, cried, yelled, and generally enjoyed ourselves. We learned a lot more about one another, some things which we would've never guessed. Like his soft spot for chick flicks and my secret obsession with animal documentaries.
"Now for the next part of the date. Come along." I take his hand and let him lead me down and into the backyard. Just a little past the gazebo I can see a spread out quilt and a wooden basket.
The sun was just beginning to set, some of the sky darkening as the light of the sun was setting over the horizon. We sat down, he spread out before us various snacks, and the all too famous chocolate covered strawberries.
We sat there, asking one another various questions, or just attempting to catch food in our mouths when the other tossed it. As the sky became pitch black, the stars were finally visible.
We laid on our backs, next to one another. I stared up at the millions of stars, in awe of the beauty I had never been able to see. All this time this majestic sky loomed over me, it's beauty shining down upon the earth and I was never able to see it, or what I was able to see before my vision was lost I could not remember as I was very small.
"So beautiful..." I murmured into the silence, feeling the gratitude of being able to take this all in, even if it might end soon.
"Yes, so beautiful." I turn my head to find Victor staring straight at me. I blush under his direct gaze, his eyes full of certain emotions that I couldn't decipher. "You put the goddesses to shame. Your beauty, your kindness, your grace, and your soul surpass that of any being I've even know. I've never met anyone like you Helena. You are like a bright dazzling shooting star that I never want to disappear from my sight. You are truly a marvelous creation, sent to me from above. I don't know what I did to ever deserve you, I've been nothing but a disgrace. You've changed me, for the better. For that, I want to thank you. You mended me, made me whole once again. You've made e see beyond the physical. You've shown me my own soul, and I'd trade it in a heartbeat to keep you safe and happy. I'd trade my soul for yours. I'd give my life if it meant you would forever be well and content. What I'm trying to say Helena is that I love you. I truly do. Not only because you are so amazing, but because you've helped me love myself."
I sit up, tears in my eyes as I stared down at him. He slowly sat up too, taking my hands in his. "Why do you cry?" Victor wipes away the tears that had begun to slowly slip down my cheeks.
"Do you really mean that?"
"That I love you? Yes. With all my heart. With all my being. I'm not just saying it because I want to end this curse. I did not once think of it as I uttered that truth to you. I could care less about it. All I care about is you. I love you and only you." He took both my hands in his and looked me deep into my eyes.
"You helped me see when I couldn't. You were my eyes when all I could see and feel was darkness. You pulled me out of the emptiness. You gave me back something no one could. My heart. It was beyond crushed and broken. You somehow made it all better, you made living life worth it once more. I wasn't so empty. I wasn't so angry at the world. You've brought sunshine and color back into my world. You've brought back the beauty that I've forgotten was there. I couldn't help but also fall for you. I couldn't help but begin to love you. I love you Victor. I love everything about you, even the annoying way you forget to put the cap back onto the toothpaste or how you hog all the covers at night. I love you." He crushes his lips to my own, our love pouring through our tender kisses.
"Say it again," Victor whispers against my lips making me giggle.
"I love you."
"I love you Victor. I love you and only you."
"As I love you. Be mine Helena. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"I was wondering when you'd ask." I laugh and watch as Victor fidgets in place as he awaits my answer. "Yes, I accept." We seal it with a kiss, him pulling us both up and into a loving embrace.
"Now we are truly a team. Helena and Victor, Victor and Helena."
"Well, this teammate is rather tired." I say through a yawn and Victor quickly picks me up into his arms.
"Say no made, I shall take my beauty to bed and ensure that she gets her beauty rest. Not that you'd need it, you are beautiful as it is."
"You are too sweet." I place a light kiss upon his cheek and snuggle into his arms, my eyes struggling to stay open with the gentle swaying motion as Victor carried me up into his bed.
"Sleep now, my beautiful girlfriend. Close your eyes and dream the sweetest of dreams. Of me that is." We both laugh and I snuggle into the blankets when I notice Victor leaving.
"Don't leave. Come, keep me warm."
"Don't worry, I'll be back. I left everything outside and need to clean up before heading to bed. You sleep, I'll be less than 10 minutes." He gives me a sweet kiss and leaves me, as my eyes begin to close. I was on the verge of sleep when a strong burst of pain overtook my body, so strong I couldn't even open my mouth to scream out.
The world span as my vision went blurry and soon I was thrown into complete darkness.
-Victor POV-
I quickly made my way down the stairs, hurrying so I could get back to my girlfriend and keep her warm. Girlfriend. It felt great to say that. Helena was officially mine.
I shook my head as I noticed the mess we had made. She occupied my thoughts as I hastily cleaned and packed everything away. I made my way into the house, making sure everything was locked up and put away.
I was making my way out of the kitchen when a huge wave of pain overcame me. My skin burned and itched. I grabbed at my exposed skin, feeling sick as I watched it move over my bones.
I crashed into the kitchen counter, taking with me some things which I couldn't make what they were. My vision began to blur, my mouth fell open in a silent scream. The pain became so fierce that I could not even gasp in pain.
My vision became blurry, the world swirled around me and my stomach threatened to upchuck everything I had eaten today.
I carefully made my way into the living room where I fell onto the plush couch and writhed in pain until my vision became darker around the edges and I soon lost consciousness. My last thought was of Helena, and whether I had truly heard a quick scream of pain or whether I had imagined it all.

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