Waking Up

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-Victor's pov-

It's felt like years that I've been trapped here, but I knew it hadn't been that long. I knew Helena would be able to find me. She was strong and brave, something she didn't give herself credit for.

"She's coming," a voice whispered into my ear. A wave of happiness ran through my body, knowing she was so close to me. I just wanted to wrap my arms around her, to never let go.

I opened my eyes, looking down at the coffin that held me. I knew my physical body lay inside, awaiting for Helena.

I heard footsteps coming down, my eyes allowing me to see the small body shape of Helena entering the darkness. "Who's there?" Her shaky voice calls out and the lights turn on, making her try to block it out with her hand.

A smile comes onto my face, slowly fading into a frown as I take her in. She was safe, but she didn't look too good. Her eyes were very bloodshot, she looked very tired and was trembling a little.

She wore one of my sweaters, which engulfed her small frame. Her hair was all over the place, making her look wild. Her eyes shifted around nervously as she stepped closer to where I lay.

As she lay a hand over the smooth lid, it was like I was suddenly sucked back in through the lid and down into my body. I couldn't see anything or even feel anything. I was trapped in a senseless dark void. I tried to hard to make sense of where I was and how to get out but I couldn't.

I swear I could hear voices from somewhere, but none of it made sense.

It wasn't until a source of light filled my darkness and I felt a light caress on my skin that I could finally feel my body coming back to me. I could feel the sparks that ran through me as I knew Helena ran he or fingers over me, her hand cupping my cheek. "Victor, wake up. Please." Her voice broke at the end, and I felt a tiny splash of water on my lips.

She was crying. I was trying so hard to wake up, to move at least my hand and let her know I was okay. Her sobs are what finally made me open my eyes and slowly made me sit up.

I turned to look at her notice she had her back to me. I wince as I stand up and climb out, feeling my sore body quiver at my sharp movements.

"Forgive me Victor." Her almost silent reaches my ears as I take in the whole scene that lays before me. Helena had the dagger poised above her heart, tightly clenched in a fist that was bleeding slightly onto the floor.

The world seemed to move in slow motion as she moved her hand, and I quickly acted. I grabbed her hand and stopped her right before she could even get the tip of the dagger to touch her creamy skin.

Her eyes flew open in shock and she quickly dropped it, her eyes widening and her hands coming up to cover her mouth.

Rage filled my body, my hands clenched into fists at my side. "Were you really going to kill yourself?!" I hiss at her, not being able to grasp that she would've been dead if I had not gotten up sooner or acted as quickly.

"Victor....you're alive." Her hand reaches out to me but I flinch away from her, my anger clouding my judgment. Her hand drops to her side, her lips quivering as tears fall down her cheeks. "I...I thought...," her voice wavers off at the end.

"What?! You thought you'd end yourself?!" I didn't want to yell at her, or even scare her but what she almost did scared me to death. She was willing to end herself without a second thought.

"I just wanted-"

"No! You can't just decide to end your life over nothing Helena. You scared me to death! If I had not reacted so quickly you would lay here, dead at my feet." I ran a hand down my face, trying to calm myself as I could see the fear and sadness in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you Helena. I just couldn't stand to see you like that. That was a dumb move, a deadly one."

"I thought you were dead. You were so still and not breathing. I thought I was late. I just wanted to be reunited with you."

"I understand, but the response to that wasn't to kill yourself. Even if I was dead, I wouldn't want that. I'd want you to live." I stepped closer to her, watching her to see if she would move away or to see if I disgusted her.

She shocked me when she stumbled forward and wrapped her arms around me tightly, not hesitating at all. I slowly wrapped my arms around her small frame, letting her scent enter my senses. She smelled of lavender and a mixture of my scent.

I held her tightly, memorizing this moment as if I would not have another. And I might not, it was all up in the air on what would happen now. Would I disgust her so much that she'd leave me now that she could see what I truly looked like?

-Helena pov-

Victor was alive and I held him in my arms, not wanting to ever let go. I could hear his heart beating underneath me, soothing my fear of the worst.

"We should get out of here. Plus, we should take care of your bleeding hand soon." Victor pulled back to pick up the dagger and stuck it in his pocket as he then grabbed my hand and pulled me up the steps, out of the library, and out through the front doors.

I just wanted to stop and just take him in, make sure he was alright, but I knew we had to leave. We had to get home before anything else were to happen.

I moved at the same pace as Victor, although he had much longer strides than I did. I tried my best to keep up and not slow him down.

It took some time but we finally made it back home, entering just as the sky began to open up and pour rain down upon us. Victor locked the door behind us, as I quickly made my way into the kitchen to grab the first aid kit. I tended to my cut and took a deep breath before turning around to go look for Victor.

I gasped as I spun around and found him to be right behind me. "You scared me." I manage to gasp out as he takes a step back.

"Do I disgust you as well?" He spits out, his eyes full of hurt.

"I didn't mean you scare me, I meant you scared me because I didn't expect you to be right behind me. I don't fear you Victor. You don't disgust me either," I bring up my hand to his cheek to get my point across. He closes his eyes and leans into my touch.

"Do you really mean that?" His eyes open up and he looks down at me, searching my face for his answer.

I knew my words could only convey so much so I stood on my toes, brought his face down to my own, and smashed my lips to his own. I poured my heart out into the kiss, hoping he could feel how I felt towards him. That no matter what he looked like, he would never disgust me. Far from it.

He pulled me closer, tangling his fingers in my hair and molding my body to his own. I wrapped my hands around his neck, holding on as his kisses made my knees weak.

He picked me up, wrapping my legs around his body, all without breaking the kiss. I held on tightly as he moved us upstairs and into what I assume to be his room as I felt the familiar feel of his covers underneath me.

I finally pull away to breathe, my lungs burning for the sweet oxygen. Victor leans his forehead against my own as he struggles to catch his own breath.

"Do you see now?" I finally get out, after trying to calm down my wild beating heart and even my breathing.

"I do. I just wanted to make sure I didn't scare you away, looking the way I do."

"Victor, none of this outward appearance matter to me. It's what lays inside that counts." I lay my palm over his racing heart and look deep into his eyes, which I noticed were two different colors. One was pitch black, so dark it was like a bottomless pit. The other was a vibrant green, so full of life.

He wrapped me in his arms and held me close, our bodies pressed up right against each other. I squeezed my eyes shut and just let myself enjoy this moment in time where nothing else mattered but just us locked in this embrace.

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