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-Helena pov-

The school was deserted, not a single soul was in sight. I thoroughly checked to make sure no one was in plain sight, so that no one could catch me here.

I made my way towards the front doors, thinking of a way to get in. The doors would be locked and there was no other way to get inside that didn't involve a key for the door. I could only hope somewhere on this large property someone had maybe left a door or window open.

I was about to lay my hand on the front doors to the school when they flew open. I jumped back, expecting to see someone behind the doors or walking out. There was no one there, just an empty stretch of hallway before me.

I quickly made my way in, jumping when the doors slam shut behind me. I pay it no mind though, I have a clear mission I need to complete.

Finding the library was difficult, as it has been some time since I have been here and I knew the path more when I was blind. So, I closed my eyes and let my hands and feet lead me.

My body knew the layout of the school property, as I had walked these halls multiple times. The smell was the same, the silence was different. I was used to the multiple sounds of students all around me as school became busy.

Finally my fingertips met with the cool wood of the library door. I threw open my eyes and silently celebrated to myself when the door opened. I was afraid I'd have to destroy school property to get inside.

The moonlight from outside was my only light source, so I let my eyes adjust to the almost dark room before making my way to the book stacks, where I knew I would find the book I was looking for.

I had Luke check out the book once and read it to me and Poppy as he had owed me for helping him with his homework. He hated reading, something both Poppy and I knew, so I made him read it to us at a sleepover.

It was against the farthest wall of the library, against a bookshelf that lay against the wall. I remember Luke describing the location of the book to me as I held onto his shoulder, his tone letting me know he was pouting. I remember poking his side and telling him that he owed me and him sighing and saying he would do it but he didn't have to be happy about it.

Thinking about Poppy and Luke made my heart squeeze, and I made a mental reminder to myself to seek them out after all of this was said and done. I missed them dearly.

I let my fingertips graze the books as I quickly looked for the spine of the all too familiar book. I finally spied it, grabbing at it and pulling only for it to come out only halfway before a loud clicking sound filled the silence and the whole bookshelf before me shimmered and disappeared, leaving behind a large black door before me.

I gulped but stepped forward and threw open the door, behind the door were large stone steps that led down into vast darkness. I was not going to lie and say I wasn't scared. I was terrified.

Not of the darkness, of but what could lay in the darkness. All of this could be a trap, a trap that could lead to my death. Or it could lead me to Victor, and that made me step forward and start my descent into the darkness.

My steps echoed in the dark, the sound bouncing off the walls and filling the silence. As it became darker I let my hands glide across the walls on either side of me to keep me from falling.

Soon it became so dark I could not see a thing, not even my hand in front of my face. It was a familiar type of darkness that wrapped around me. The darkness I had lived in for so long.

It wasn't long before I felt smooth floor before me and no more steps. A chill ran through my spine as I felt another presence in the room. I could feel eyes on me, I didn't know from where but I could feel them watching me.

"Who's there?" My voiced bounced off the walls, and suddenly a bright light filled the room. I brought my hand up to block the sudden intrusion of brightness before my eyes quickly got used to the light.

The room before me was not very big, and it was not what I was expecting at all.

A large metal coffin lay in the middle of the bare room, a black dagger of some sort lay on top of the lid. The walls were made of stone and were bare. The only things in this room was the metal coffin, the dagger, and now me.

I cautiously stepped forward, my eyes searching for any danger that could be hiding in clear sight. I touched the cool metal, my heart pounding at the thought of what could be inside.

"Are you ready Helena?" I jumped and whirled around at the intruding voice. It was her.

"Is he in there?" I hissed at her, which she nodded to. "Open it up then!"

"I'm afraid only you can do that." She stepped closer to me, making me take a step back. She chuckled at my clear fear.

"Fine. I'll open it." I turn and tug at the lid, not even making it move a little.

"That's not how you open it dear. If you really want that to open, you must make a bit of an offer if you know what I mean." I turn to her and see her nod toward the black dagger. I pick it up and look back up at her only to find her gone.

Did she mean I had to cut my hand and let the blood run over the smooth surface of the coffin? The light flickered above me, letting me know that I was spot on.

I turned to the coffin and brought my hand and dagger over the lid. I quickly sliced my palm with the sharp blade and clenched my hand into a fist, letting the blood run down and onto the smooth surface.

The blood collected into a small puddle in the center where it quickly seemed to get sucked into the metal. I backed up as the lid shifted and moved away from me, uncovering whatever it us that lay inside.

I held my still bleeding palm to my chest as I slowly moved closer, afraid that I wouldn't find what I was looking for. My body wanted to stay in place, but I made myself move forward. I couldn't chicken out now that I was so close.

I gasped when I leaned over and saw what lay inside. He looked too still, almost as if he were dead. He was too pale. My hand reached out towards him, wanting to make sure he was still alive. He had to be.

He was just as I imagined him to be, when he let me see him with my hands. His skin was very damaged and he had these weird markings that covered him. His skin was very cold and rough underneath my fingers.

I brought my hand to his cheek and slowly caressed him, willing him to wake up. "Victor, wake up. Please." My voice broke, tears sprung into my eyes. I tore myself away from him, not being able to look at him like this. He didn't appear to be breathing.

I let my head fall into my hands, even though one was still bleeding a little, and let myself cry. I was too late, I let him down. I couldn't save him. I cried for my failure, for not being able to save him. I cried for losing the possibility of us having a future together. I cried because I never got to tell him just how much he meant to me. I cried because my heart had just shattered and I felt like I had died alongside him.

All of this was for nothing. I couldn't do anything right. I couldn't even save the one person who had saved me. I was a failure.

I gripped the dagger in my cut hand, my eyes traveling across the sharp edge. Just one motion could end this all.

I closed my eyes, tears still falling down my face clearly as I slowly brought the blade up and lined it up to make a clear path straight to my heart.

All I had to do was move my hand and this would all be over with. I could once again be reunited with Victor. "Forgive me Victor."

With that I let out a breath and made my move.

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