That Was Too Easy

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-Helena pov-

The next morning I woke up to the sound of an annoying chirping sound coming from right next to me. I groan and sit up, rubbing my swollen eyes. My head throbbed from all my crying.

The chirping still came from beside me and I opened my eyes to try to find the intruding sound. I blink a couple of times and focus my gaze on the small phone laying besides the pillow I had slept on. I grab it and the screen lights up without me having to touch it.

I hope you are ready for your first clue. You must go to the place where you found "... a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock."

The message erased itself as soon as I had finished reading it out loud. A single green light? Where have I heard that before? It sounded so familar to me.

I slip out of bed and let my sock covered feat sink into the plush carpet. Minute and far away, I've heard this before. Where?

That's when it hits me. I know what this means. It didn't really mean where I found a green light, it's a quote from The Great Gatsby. I have to find the book, the very book that Victor had given me since it was his favorite and also happened to be my favorite as well.
I slipped on my shoes and made my way downstairs, searching for the book. I could've sworn I had put it in the kitchen, I remember setting it down on the counter.

What else did the clue say, besides the quote. I stop in place and squeeze my eyes shut, hoping to remember the whole message. "Go to the place..." then it clicks. I had to go outside.

I all but run to the gazebo, where Victor had given me the book. Here is where we had most of our talks, where we all but admitted our feelings to each other.

As I climb up the steps I spy the book laying in the middle of the gazebo floor, the light breeze not having an effect on ruffling the pages of the very worn out book.

I run my fingers over the worn cover after I had picked it up. The book was very warm in my hands, almost as if it had been in someone's hands beforehand.

I flip through the pages until a slip of paper falls out of the last page. It slowly flutters to the floor. I bend and pick it up, spying the neatly printed calligraphy on the pale white thick parchment.

You work fast, faster than I expected. You will have to return to the place where your Knight saved your life and took you to his castle. There you will find the last and final clue. Then and only then can the princess save her prince.

This one was ultimately easy. I can't help but think of this day all the time, even if I couldn't see in that moment the whole scene was imprinted into my brain. It was the best and worst day of my life. The worst because I had almost lost my life and lost my father. The best because Victor saved me and he has been the best thing that has happened to me.

I don't know how far it would be from here, I also had no clue how to get to my old home from here. It would be the first time I would ever lay my eyes on what used to be my home.

I shook away the thoughts and ran upstairs to change, thinking on ways of getting to my next clue.

I slipped on a pair of old faded jeans, black tank top, one of Victor's black sweatshirts, and my well worn out sneakers. As I slipped on my shoes, the sleek cell phone beeped from the beside table I had left it on.

I pick it up and the screen lights up.

Don't say I never helped you.

The words quickly fade out before a map pops up, a star over the address I knew by heart. I noticed that it had a starting point and ending point mapped out for me, and an indicator of where I stood at the moment.

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