What Now?

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-Helena POV-
  The next morning I awake to an empty cold bed. I tried to strain my ears to hear anything, but it was completely silent. Had it all been a dream? Did I never find Victor, was it all just made up by my very torn and haunted imagination?
  I sat up in bed, leaning against the headboard, crying at the feeling of emptiness.
  "Why are you crying?" My head snaps up and I watch through blurry eyes as a figure approaches me with a tray in its hands.
  "Victor?" I wipe my eyes and watch as he sets down a tray full of food and makes his way to me. I crawl to the foot of the bed where I pull him into my arms and bury my head into his chest.
  "What's wrong?" He pulls me closer to himself, his hands rubbing my back in an attempt to soothe me.
  "I thought this was all a dream. I thought I had never really found you, that it was all a dream."
  "Shh, everything is okay now. I'm here, I'll never leave you again." He lifts my chin to look up at him and he gently wipes away my tears. We lock eyes, staring at each other deeply, trying to tell each other something with our eyes.
  "Can you both not do that this early? I'm going to be sick." We both turn our bodies towards the corner of his room where She sat in one of his large ottomans.
  "What are you doing here?!" Victor pulls me behind himself, shielding me with his body. I feel myself begin to tremble in fear.
  "Oh calm down. I'm not here to hurt you. If I was, you would've been hurt, or dead, long ago. I came to remind you." She stood up and went over to the tray of food, picking up the large glass of orange juice and making a bottle of alcohol appear before herself. She mixes in the alcohol and smiles at us over the rim of the glass before taking a large gulp.
  "Warn us?" I shakily get out, standing up besides Victor who wraps his arms around my waist.
  "Yes, warn. You see, none of this is over. By the full moon, in 2 days time, all of this will become permanent for one and end for the other. Or it can end up changing for one and becoming delightfully permanent for the other. It just depends on you two."
  "What do you mean? Quit talking in riddles." Victor snarls at her. I feel him tense up beneath me, and I gently squeeze him, trying to calm him down.
  "What I'm saying is that your curse will become permanent in 2 days, Helena will lose her vision in 2 days. Or you may change back to your gorgeous self and Helena may keep her vision. It all depends on the choices you both make."
  "What? Two days?"
  "Full moon. When magic and power become the strongest. The moon is a power source to some, lending them strength to become the strongest they can be. I am one of them. My magic will be strongest on this night and anything done beforehand will become permanent. Both you are tied to one another. You both suffer or you both win. Up to you two."
  "I don't care about my curse, all I care about is Helena. You can't take her vision."
  "I don't make the rules buddy, it's all in the fine print. Magic isn't straight forward. It's slippery and tricky. I've said all I have to. I must be gone now, more people to curse and whatnot." She disappears into a sudden bright flash of light, the only reminder of her presence here was the glass of orange juice with her lipstick stains.
  "It won't happen, I won't let it. You hear me, I won't." Victor yells at the spot she had disappeared from.
  "Victor, it's alright. It wouldn't be so bad would it?"
  "Helena, I don't want you to suffer. You deserve to have your vision. You deserve to be able to see. I don't want you to lose that again."
  "I won't be suffering. I've gotten used to not having my sight long ago, I would be okay without it now. As long as I have you by my side, everything is okay. And I wouldn't be losing anything, because what I've gained is so much more larger than that. It is more than I could've ever asked for." I run my hands up his chest and wrap them around his neck. I stand on my toes and press my lips against his own; he quickly responds and kisses me back.
  He gently lays me on his bed, kisses from my lips down to my neck. I tug on his hair, loving the feeling of his skin against my own. I tug on his shirt, which he quickly removes and tosses aside. I run my fingertips over every scar and symbol over his body, feeling him shudder. I can tell he wants to make me stop, but he trusts me enough to let me continue with my exploration.
  I continue my touching, reaching his exposed back. He then begins to lightly bite on my skin of my neck, making me dig my nails into his back.
  "We should stop." Victor lays beside me, both of us breathing heavily. I lay my head upon his chest, looking up at him.
  "You are so beautiful Victor. Inside and out. No matter the outcome, I'll always be here for you. Even if you stay like this and I lose my vision, I'll still be here. The only way I'll ever leave your side is through death, and even then I'd wait for you on the other side."
  "Don't say that Helena. I'll get us out of us this. Don't worry."
  "No. You don't understand do you. There is no I in this. It's us. We will get ahead in this. We will strengthen one another. We are a team now. At least we can be, if you will let me."
  "Of course Helena. I would want no other than you by my side." Victor runs his fingertips down my cheek until he grip my chin in his hand. "Go on a date with me. Tomorrow."
  "Date? Where to?"
  "That my dear is a surprise. So, do you accept? May I court you?"
  "Court me? Hmm, I suppose you'll do until my prince charming comes along and sweeps me off my feet."
  "The only sweeping you off your feet will be me my sweet princess." With that he presses his lips against my own, stealing away any thoughts that weren't of him and the feelings that continue to grow within me for him.

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