On My Own

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-Helena pov-

Waking up in the mornings became more depressing over the days. I haven't heard anything from Victor, but I could feel him. I would enter a room and just feel his presence.

It's become a daily ritual of me sitting at the gazebo, waiting to feel or hear Victor. I was going out of my mind on what to do.

"Are you sure you will be alright?" Maddie's voice brought me out of my deep thoughts.

"I'll be alright Maddie. You and Roy go enjoy a well deserved vacation. I'll miss you, mother." I throw my arms around her, silently crying internally.

"Oh I'll miss you too my daughter, but we will only be gone for a couple of days. We will be back before you know it. I have set some food for you in the fridge in the meantime, just heat it up. Take care child." She places a kiss upon my forehead and gives me one last hug before taking off.

I had told them a couple days ago that I wanted them to take a well needed vacation. I just wanted tl be alone, to plan out how to return my Victor to me, alive and well. I had no idea where to start, but I needed to be alone. On my own.

I slipped into the house, mechanically making my way to Victor's room. I always set my hand on the door knob, grip it, but never opened the door.

This time I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. I don't know why I feared so much opening the door and stepping inside.

I paused in the doorway, looking into the dark room waiting for something to happen or to hear anything. No sound or movement came, as I had expected.

My hand searched the wall besides me for a light switch and as soon as I found it I switched it on. The room was bathed in a brilliant white light, blinding me for a second until I blinked it away.

His room was neat, for a guy. I didn't really know what to expect, but I didn't expect a neat and organized room. It was rather simple too, for a prince at least. The walls were painted a dark blue with white trimming. A large king sized bed was pushed up against the wall across from me, filled with dark blue sheets and a mountain of dark pillows.

A large book case and desk took up another wall, everything neatly organized and in its place. Two doors were to the left of me, I assumed one was to his closet and the other to his personal bathroom.

I looked down at the black plush carpet and let my bare feet sink into its softness. I took a couple more steps until I was standing directly in front of his bed. I ran my fingertips across the sheets, imagining him laying there just staring at the ceiling with his brooding state that I knew he had even though I had never seen it.

I slowly climb onto his well made bed and let my body sink into the comfy mattress and my head onto one of the dark pillows. I grab a long pillow and hold it close to my chest, imagining it was Victor I was holding close.

"I know you are there."

'How did you know?' His velvet voice reached my ears, breaking the silence that was surrounding me.

"I can feel when you are near me. I don't know how I do, but I can feel when you enter the room. I guess my body has just become tuned to yours."

'I wish you wouldn't just lay here in solitude. Go out, have fun. See the world that awaits you.'

"There is nothing for me to see unless I'm with you. Why can't you just come back to me?"

'Neither of us is ready for that. When the time is right, I will return to you.'

"Why to I feel like you are going to disappear on me now?"

'Because you are smart and know me. Go out, see the world so you can have stories to share with me when I see you again.' I feel a gentle kiss pressed upon my forehead, making me close my eyes to savor the light caress.

"When I see you again I will have no choice but to attack you, you hear me Victor?!" I swear I could've heard him chuckle at my lame threat, but I knew he was no longer with me in the room.

I laid there, eyes closed, taking in the feel of the room. I was going to get him back one way or another. He would return to me, even if I had to go to hell and back.

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