Watchful Gaze

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-Helena pov-

The bell rang for my last class and I got up as quick as I could. It was the end of the school day and I had to meet up with Poppy for a ride home. I was about to pull out my cane as I stood outside the classroom door when I felt a presence behind me. I inhaled the air around me and said, "Luke stop standing there like a creep."

"How did you know it was me if you couldn't...uhh..."

"Couldn't see? It's okay for you to say it. Don't treat me like I am fragile glass because I'm not. I am blind, I have accepted that years ago. I may not be able to see but my other senses are heightened."

"I don't treat you like fragile glass. I know how strong you are. I know have lots of courage, knowledge, and so much more. I admire you for that. You are tougher than anyone I know."

"I'm not as strong as you make me out to be. Now are you going to lead me to Poppy or are you done stalking me?" I hold out my hand to him and instead of holding my elbow like he always does he slid his hand into my own and intertwined his fingers with my own.

I felt a blush rise to my cheeks and I drop my head until I feel my hair cover my face. "Come." Luke tugs on my hand and together we walk hand in hand to Poppy. I can hear people whispering around us but I do not let it get to me. Luke was my best friend, since we were born practically. Then we met Poppy in the second grade when I had tripped and fallen on Poppy due to not seeing her because I was blind. She had been sitting in front of me and I tripped over her outstretched legs. She refused to apologize even after she learned I was blind. We have all been close since then.

"I knew it!!" Poppy shrieked as we got to her car. I rolled my eyes at her even though I'm pretty sure she was not paying attention to me.

"Knew what Poppy?"

"Knew that you would be late, but it was my fault. I held her up because we had a talk. She is now here safe and sound," Luke quickly said before Poppy could get a word in. I frowned but shook it off. Whatever they were playing at was not worth arguing for.

"So whose place tonight?" Poppy asks. Every night we would gather at one of each other houses and have a sleep over, even though one of us was a boy.

"We can do my house. My father never seems to come home anymore." It was true, my father slowly stopped showing up at home. The only people who would come over were Luke, Poppy, and any of my so called fathers 'friends' who were looking to get paid the money he owed.

"Okay Helena's house it is. Luke it is your turn to get snacks. Don't forget my ice cream, unless you have a death wish."

"Aye aye captain. Do you want anything Helena?"

"I would love some vanilla ice cream. Here, let me give you some money." I go to pull out my wallet but Luke covers my hand with his.

"No it's my treat. I will meet you both later with the treats. Don't start the fun without me." Luke presses his lips softly onto my lips and slowly lets go of my hand. A blush rises to my cheeks and Poppy coos.

"You two are so cute!" She squeals and I push past her and climb into her car.

As we get to my house Poppy is still talking about how cute Luke and I are. "Poppy, there is nothing going on between me and Luke."

"It didn't seem like that at school."

"Best friends can hold hands."

"Yeah but best friends don't give each other kisses and look at the other person like they want to ravage them right there and then."

"Poppy!! He does not want to ravage me. No one wants the blind girl with a dead mother and an alcoholic father." The words came out harsher than I intended them.

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