Why Haven't I Updated?

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Hello to anyone who is reading this. I know I haven't updated at all in a long time. Every time I've tried to upload, I just can't find the strength or energy to do so.

The last few weeks I've been battling against my depression. It gets so bad to the point where all I can do is sleep all day, meaning I miss class and schoolwork. My grades have dropped dramatically, I'm not even sure I'll be able to pass my classes.

It's a daily struggle, but I've overcome it before and will do so again. I will try my hardest to update something, even if it's insignificant. I just need some time to get myself into a place where my depression can't hold me back any longer.

Thanks for being so patient with me and this story. I'll find it within me to bring this all to an end, a good one, and move on to other things.

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