What are big sisters for

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Lucy's POV

I woke up this morning thinking about what Mavis told me yesterday.

Me? Fall for Natsu? Pfffft, yeah right. I have a boyfriend and I know he might not seem like it now but before all of this happened, we would always go out.

He would buy me flowers, hold my hand, and most of all treated me like a princess. Well what else do you expect from a 11 month relationship?

Moving that thought aside, I got up and made my way to my kitchen and got out the food Natsu prepared for me last time.

Look's like this is the last of it, I'll have to go shopping after breakfast.

I finished eating and started getting ready to go. All I wore were some grey sweatpants and a plain black T-shirt, black Converse finished with my hair up in a messy bun. Before I opened the door, I checked if I had everything I needed.

Money, keys, phone. Yup that's it.

I unlocked and opened my door only to find myself face to face with someone ready to knock on my door.

"N-Natsu?? What are you doing here?" I asked surprised by his visit.

"Oh, morning Luce! Wendy and I were going to the store to get some things for tonight. Since we were passing by your apartment, we wanted to know if you'd come with us?"

"Ohayō Lucy-nee!" Said Wendy popping her head out from behind Natsu.

"Oh, yeah. I guess its fine. I was going to the store anyway." I step outside to lock my door.

"Alright! Then let's go!" Cheered little Wendy while taking my hand and Natsu's.


So here I am with Natsu and Wendy at Walmart, thinking that we would just walk down the isle's,

look for the movie snacks and my daily groceries,

get in line,


and leave....

Well that's what I thought.

"Wiiiiiii! Go faster Natsu-nii!" Called Wendy from inside of the shopping cart.

"Aye sir!" Replied Natsu pushing the cart as fast as he could bumping into a few people that yelled "What the hell do those two think they're doing!?" I sighed and decided to get a cart for myself and start looking for my groceries.


There are only a few things left on my list and as I'm going down the Cereal isle, I could hear a familiar little voice singing at full volume

"I BELIEVE I CAN FLY~!" And for a split second I saw Wendy zooming by, standing in the cart with her arms spread out like rose on the titanic. And of course Natsu was 'driving' but his feet were on the bottom rail of the cart.

*sigh* Just keep walking Lucy, they'll stop playing around...eventually.

"Sir you have to stop!" A man shouted.

"You'll never catch me!" I heard Natsu called back. His voice was closer and I realized to late that he had turned on the same isle I was in.

Well shit.

Everything happened in slow motion. Natsu noticed me and tried to stop but he crashed with the front of my cart making Wendy fly over and land on top of me with a loud thump.


"W-What happened?" I asked getting up with help from Wendy. But then I remembered...I was pissed at his immaturity.

Change Of Heartfilia (NaLu Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now