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~No One's POV~


And everyone went flooding out of the school.

Who ever said 'The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do?' Well it doesn't look like that now..

"Lucy-nee!" Wendy greeted running up to her and giving a big hug taking her out of her train of thought.

"Hey there Wen." She said with a smile. Lucy liked the fact that Wendy treated her like and older sister since she never had any siblings or close cousins.

"Hey Wendy! You up for a treat at 'The Sugar Fairy'?" Asked Natsu raising an eyebrow. Sparkles appeared in her eyes once he said that.

"REALLY! YES YES YES!" She answered with excitement. Lucy giggled at her reaction.

"Let's just say Wendy absolutely LOVES sweets." Mentioned Natsu with a smile. He kneeled down to Wendy's size and told her. "And guess who works there..." He said while nodding his head towards Lucy.

"LUCY-NEE WORKS THERE?!" She exclaimed.

"Haha yeah, so why don't we go on ahead?"Lucy asked with her book bag ready and at hand.

"Yeah!" Said Wendy while taking Natsu and Lucy's hand to hurry them up.


On their way there, Lucy herd two Ladies trying to talking a whisper tone.

"Aw! Look at those two."

"Yeah, they look really cute together." Lucy started blushing and was glad Natsu didn't hear them.

Or did he?

It was a quiet way there but when they arrived, Wendy let go of both of there hands, put them together, and then bolted in the store to choose one of the many sweet things that were waiting for her inside.

Meanwhile Natsu and Lucy looked at there hands witch were holding each other.

They quickly retracted with a noticable blush on their faces.

"S-Sorry about that, Wendy can get a little too excited about sweets." Natsu awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"I-It's alright." Was all she answered.

S-Shut up stupid heart!

They both thought as they entered the shop. "I'm going to get my uniform, you guys look at what you're going to want." She said with a smile looking at Wendy who had her face practically plastered on the display case.

Once Lucy was ready, she went outside to see how the two were doing and she found Wendy on the floor, legs sprawled out on either sides of her, with exaggerating water works.

"What happened?? I was only gone for like five minutes?!" Asked Lucy with concern. She looked to Natsu who was with an annoyed look on his face.

"Wendy wants two sweets but she's not supposed to eat that much." He answered. Wendy still had the water works going on so Lucy had to think of something quick because she's drawing attention.


"Y-Yeah?" She sniffled.

"The second one is on me, so choose whatever you want." With a smile, she hoped Wendy wouldn't choose anything too expensive.


"Are ya sure Luce? I mean, Wendy's just acting spoiled, don't give into her behavior." He said while eyeing her overreacting little sister.

"You're just jealous because she offered me and not you!" She stuck her tongue out at him.

They have such a sweet brother-sister relationship. Lucy thought with a giggle.

"No, its fine. Really."

"Then I'll have an 'Individual chocolate melting cake' and a 'Berry me in chocolate' please." Wendy ordered with big smile.

"Alright, and what about you Natsu?" Lucy asked feeling a bit weird saying his name so normally.

"I'll have a.....slice of 'Yellow cake with fresh strawberry filling, chocolate sour cream frosting and strawberries.'" He had a big childish grin on his face because saying the long name was fun.

"Alright, with the discount that'll be...1000 jewel (like $10)." She said with the ding of the cash register. Natsu took out his wallet, paid, and took their sweets to a nearby table.

When they were halfway done, Wendy tapped Natsu's hand and gestured him to get closer to her so she could whisper something to him.

"Why don't we invite Lucy-nee to our movie night on Saturday as a 'thank you' for buying me something?" Wendy asked with all sincerity. Natsu almost choked on his last piece of cake.


"Come on Natsu-nii, you ate some of it too! So you're obligated to return the favor too!" She whisper yelled.

Natsu thought about it for a moment and didn't really see what was all that bad about having a friend over at his place.

"Yeah, sure. But you have to ask her okay?"



"Who's the little one?" Mavis asked Lucy while cleaning a table that a couple just left.

"What? Oh, she's Natsu's little sister Wendy." Lucy said with a smile remembering the first time she met her.

"Isn't it just adorable when guys play with little children?" Mavis asked trying to trick Lucy.

"Yeah. Wait! Um, I mean yeah but you know he's just my friend and-" Lucy scrambled on her word but Mavis stopped her there.

"Enough said~" She answered while wiggling her eyebrows and scooting off to the back room before Lucy could say anything.

"*Sigh* She might be older then me but she can act like a kid sometimes." She mumbled mostly to herself.

"Lucy-nee!" Wendy surprised her taking her out of her thoughts.


"Natsu-nii and I are done eating and before we go, we wanted to ask you if you would like to come to our house this Saturday for movie night!" Lucy was taken a back from her sudden request.

"B-But, I mean that's something you and your brother do together, right?" She mentioned a little awkwardly not wanting to bud in on the things they do together.

"Yeah but this is our way of paying you back for the dessert!" Wendy was just bursting with excitement, either from having a friend over or from eating too much sugar.

"What do you say Luce?" Intervened Natsu. There was a short pause and then she answered with a smile.

"Sure! Why not?" Somehow, just agreeing to go, made Natsu 10x happier that moment but he didn't know why being the dense idiot that he is.

"Alright! Well, see you tomorrow at school Luce!"

"Bye bye Lucy-nee~!" Said Wendy waving goodbye as they exited the shop.

What am I getting myself into?

She thought to herself but of course--either way--the rest of the day Lucy couldn't stop smiling like an idiot.


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