Getting To Know One Another

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~Lucy's POV~

Jeez its cold!

I thought while rubbing my arms for warmth as I head over to my desk. Natsu was to my left and Levy was at my right.

"Good morning Natsu." I greeted as I entered the classroom and took my seat.

"Morning Luce!" He said with his signature smile. I turn to my left and say.

"Good morning Levy." But she didn't hear me at first because she was reading. "Um, Morning Levy~" I waved my hand a little and finally caught her attention.

"Oh! Sorry, good morning to you too Lucy." She responded while scratching the back of her head a little embarrassed.

"No problem, that tends to happen when reading a good book. By the way, what are you reading?" I ask with curiosity. She turns her book for me to read the cover. I was a little shocked. "The history book?" She just shrugged her shoulders.

"It's not my first choice but yeah."

"But why don't you read something else?"

"Because I cant."

"Well why n-" I was cut off once the teacher entered.

"Alright class take your seats." Said Mr.Clive. He looked like he could use a cup of coffee or something cause he sat down and and started falling asleep in his chair.

Skip: At The Cafeteria~

"So....I've been meaning to ask you.." I tried to start a conversation as we took a seat at our usual lunch table.

"Why I can't read other books?" She read my mind.

"Y-Yeah, cause I was just curious ya know?" I said a little embarrassed.

"That's okay Lu-chan." She said with a sincere smile.


"Yeah, I thought since were friends, I could call you that."

"That's fine with me if you let me call you Levy-chan." I said returning her smile. "So...back to why you can't read what you want..." I urged her on. She sighed. "B-But if you don't want to talk about it I understand."

"It's okay. You see, my parents aren't the typical 'strict' parents. No, they go beyond that."

"How so?"

"Well, to 'ensure my future' I should always study and read nonfictional books because 'fiction books would rotten my mind'."

"Wow and I thought I had it bad." I said kinda low. That's when I got an idea. Rummaging around my bag, I found the book I was reading--for the third time-- and took it out then slid it to Levy. She looked at it oddly.

"What's this?" She asked.

"A real book."

".....'The Host?' " She flipped open the cover and read the summary. And then her eye's went wide. "Lu-chan this is a science fictional book!"

"That's right and I'm lending it to you."

"B-But I can't! If my parents see this-"

"But they won't."

"Huh?" She asked confused.

"You'll just read it here. Leave it in your locker and when you have the chance just read it here. Your parents won't know." I said with a triumph smile.

"I-I don't know Lu-chan...."

"Just trust me." She looked at me questionably but then smiled.

"Kay." I noticed some tears were collecting at the corners of her eyes and soon after a big and muscular shadow appeared behind Levy and took a seat next took her.

"Hey shrimp, this girl bothering you again?" Asked Gajeel sending me a death glare.

"What? No! No, no, no, no. I was just tearing up because she lent me this book." She defended while hugging the book. I giggled at her actions.

"Pfft, you got me worried for nothing.." He muttered in a low voice but Levy was to busy reading to notice.


"Let's get going to class squirt." Said Gajeel while patting her head. Still reading, she got up and started walking.

I also got up and started walking when suddenly I felt a rough but gentle hand grab my arm. I turn to look at him and he seemed somewhat troubled.

"What's up?"

"How'd you do it?" He asked.

"Do what?"

"That." He gestured towards Levy with his chin. "Make her so...happy and cheerful." I smiled at the thought that he noticed.

"I just gave her a good book and different option." I said honestly. "You know, you guys look like you would be more then 'just friends' to me." I questioned with an eyebrow raised. He scratched the back of his head and started walking to class and I followed.

"Yeah I guess you could say that." He said a little awkwardly.

"What do you mean 'I guess'?"

"Well, both of us had already acknowledged that we like each other and I'm guessing she already told you about how strict her parents are..." He explained.

"Oh, I see.."

"And I don't think they would want a guy like me to date their precious only daughter."

"'A guy like me?' " I repeated questionably. He looked at me as if deciding weather or not to tell me something.

"Let's just say I...used to be in juvi." My eyes got a bit wider and I didn't know how to respond to that. He sighed.

"It was just a big miss understanding. Trust me." We continued walking to the class as he spoke. "And because of that, her parents don't want me even getting near her."

"Man that sucks.." I pondered a bit on what he told me and got an idea

"Hey, after my whole problem blows over, maybe I could help you out. I have expert lawyers on my side so maybe we can look into your case and see if we can clear your name."

"Really? You would do that?" He looked a bit shocked; probably because he's never really seen me act nice.

"Yup!" I smiled and nodded a yes.

"Thanks so much bunny girl." Said Gajeel while ruffling my hair as if I were a small child.

"Alright class take your seats." Said the teacher entering the room. Gajeel and I looked at each other and exchanged a smile before sitting in our seats.

Once I sat down, levy poked my arm.

"Pssst!" She called to my left. "What was that all about?" She asked with curiosity.

"Don't worry Levy-chan, I'm not stealing Gajeel away from you." I whispered followed by a playful wink. Her face became red and then she puffed out her cheeks in annoyance. I giggled and started to take out my note book for the class.


Class ended and we were all heading out to leave the school.

"Man am I beat!" Exclaimed Natsu while placing his hands behind his head. As we're heading out, I could hear Lisanna shouting.

"Oh look its snowing!"



Change Of Heartfilia (NaLu Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz