Just Smile

952 35 25

Natsu's POV

I stretch my arms in the air and look out my window...

Dare I look at the clock?....7:10am Finally!

"Natsu~! Breakfast is ready~!" Called my mom from downstairs.

"Kay, be down in a sec!" I got up and did my usual morning routine.

As I started leaving my room, I remember the bento box. Grabbing a hold of it, I make my way downstairs and see my mom setting the table.

"Hey mom, can you prepare a second helping of lunch?" I handed her the bento box.

"Since when do you have this?" She asked inspecting it as if it were some alien object.

"It's from his girrrrrrlfriend~." Teased Wendy. She took a seat at the table and giggled. My mom gave me a questioning look and I could feel my cheeks burning up.

"N-No! It's Lucy's! she forgot it yesterday so I'm just returning it!" I felt the blush crawling up on my face. My mother giggled.

"Sure honey, I'll get on it now." She entering the kitchen and I could hear the stove being turned on.

I looked at Wendy accusingly and started ruffling her hair.

"Hey! Quit it! It took me a long time to tie my hair this morning!" She wined.

"Natsu, leave your little sister alone." Called my mom from the kitchen. Wendy got up and headed to the bathroom to redo her hair, but before closing the door she stuck her tongue out at me while pulling her bottom eyelid. Of course I did as well.

After all that. We both headed out to school. Since we both woke up early, we had the pleasure of walking at a normal pace for once.

"So what are you going to do about that Lucy girl?" Asked Wendy trying to make conversation.

"I don't know. I'm gonna try talking to her again today."


"And what?" I asked confused.

"Never mind, you'll find out soon." She said with a smile.

"What do yo-"

"Romeo!" She called out as she went ahead to talk to her friend.

Great, now I'll never know. Jeez, kids these days think they know more then us.

~Normal 's POV~

"Natsu!" shouted Lisanna while waving her arm in the air to catch his attention. Natsu quickened his pace and met up with her.

"Morning Lisanna!" He greeted with his signature smile.

"How are you?"

"I'm good, just a little tired is all."

"Oh." Was all she said.

"And what about you? whats new?" Natsu asked kindly.

"Now that you mention it. I've been meaning to ask you if, maybe this Saturday we could...." She was about to continue but Natsu got distracted when he saw Lucy walking by. "....So what do you say?"

"Huh? Oh sorry I didn't hear that last part." He said honestly while scratching the back of his head kind of embarrassed. She turned to look at where he was looking at and noticed it was Lucy. She sighed and tried again.

"I was asking you if-"

"Yo Natsu!" Called Elfman as he made his way over to them.

"Oi Elfman! How ya been?" Natsu greeted him with a fist-bump.

Change Of Heartfilia (NaLu Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu