Chapter 23 Storm

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Stella gasps, springing away from both me and Nathanial. She scans the room, breathing heavily through her mouth, as if she had run many miles just moments ago. After a few moments, she is calm enough to speak. "What the hell was that?" She asks.

I don't know.

"That was the death serum, Stella," Nathanial says. He holds up his hand and holds out three fingers. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Three," Stella says. "Why does my sight have anything to do with this?"

"Well, in previous years, most people that survive the death serum escape it with speaking, sight, or hearing problems, and you seem to be just fine. May I draw a little bit of blood from you so I can understand this better?"

"Why are you suddenly acting all nice?" I ask. "Yesterday you seemed as though you couldn't care less what we thought of what you're doing. Today you seem to value our opinions."

"I don't value your opinion. Just Stella's. I'd like to be able to figure her out. I'd also like to give her a government position. She'll get to decide the fate of criminals and vote for what she thinks is right."

"Why me?" She asks. "The past few days you've been such a jerk. Did you take peace serum or something? And why aren't you threatening to kill me if I don't let you take the blood sample?"

"I'll get the blood sample, don't you worry about that. I can threaten to kill you and your friends if that's what you prefer. But even if you say no to the blood sample, I'll get it."

Stella sighs. "How much blood do you want?"

"A pint, may I?"

"Just do it," Stella says, she lays back in the chair, holding her arm out.

I've barely registered what just happened. Stella just went through death serum for the second time. Normally when people survive it, they have injuries that affect their sight, speech, or hearing. Stella did not suffer any of those. She is now letting Nathanial-- who is suddenly making me want to strangle him a little less-- take a sample of her blood. And the last time these people took blood from her, they took too much.

Am I going crazy?

I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy.

"You two may go now," Nathanial says. "Also, Stella, be sure to eat something, you weren't reported to have gone to the cafeteria yet today."

Stella nods, slowly rising from the chair, she is paler than usual, I rush to her and take her into my arms. She presses the side of her head to my chest and closes her eyes. I tell her to keep them open, and to talk to me so I know she's still okay.

"Storm," Nathanial says. "Make sure she eats something good, and make sure she keeps eating, everyday--"

"I know, Nathanial, I went to the fifth grade," I almost snap.

He sighs. "Tell her that I don't need her to be back here until tomorrow at 8 at night. Got that?" I nod. "You may leave now."

I turn towards the door, open it with my foot and leave with Stella, heading toward the cafeteria.


As soon as we sat down to start eating, Alice and the others walked in. Stella pulled a piece out of her muffin and put it in her mouth. I started eating some bacon.

"Do you think Alice will freak out when she sees me?" Stella asks.

"Probably," I say.

Alice looks in our direction. "STELLA," she exclaims and starts towards us quickly. As soon as she's close enough, she tosses her arms around Stella's neck and hugs her. Stella pats Alice's back awkwardly. I almost choke on a piece of bacon laughing.

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