Twenty- Three: 2 Years Later

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A/N All rights go to Jennifer. Btw sorry for 1. Not updating much(I've been super busy) and 2. For the big time gap. I just did not know wat else I should put so.....
No one's POV

The twins are almost two and Ashley is five. Ash will be starting school is August. Dee and Archer had their baby boys, Aahron(pronounced Arain)and Andrew and their little girl Aria. Aahron, Andrew, and Aria are a year old and is starting to walk really well. It took Dee a while to think about having a them but Archer finally convinced her that they would be good for them. Though is has been stressful, Dee would not change her decision at any cost.

Daemon and Katy are just happy with what they have. They are not planing on having any more Luxs or Adams any time soon. I mean, the risk with the twins is crazy enough. They are just putting all their focus on the present then planing out any more of the future.

Unfortunately, Beth and Dawson's unborn baby never came. (If this is a hard topic for you plz skip a few lines. Trust me they don't have only bad luck. You always get your rainbows after the rain, right?) About three days after thanksgiving Beth miscarried their baby. They were devastated for a while so ash had to be with Dee and Archer for a few months till everything was settled. They than decided that Ashley was enough. They were scared to try for another baby so they only have Ashley but they were not totally bummed out. This way they could give more attention to their little girl.

Ashley is exited to go to school for the first time. She has been waiting till she was three. Her mother got her books and printed off sheets for her to practice on. She can write as good as a 7th grader now.

Lux got over her cold but she has been catching things like fevers and stuff for eight months till Katy had enough of it and took her to a hospital. Their they found out that she is only getting weaker. Now they have to take her to a medical center every month for a week. She has show a lot of improvement since she started going.

Adam is vary connected to lux. They are only two and they have an inseparable bond. It is a huge challenge to get them apart so after awhile they just gave up and brought them to the same area at the same time. While Lux gets weaker Adam gets stronger. It's like he takes all the nutrition and power off of Lux. No one knows what the case is but the doctors are trying to find out.

This chapter was just to catch you up on what happened in the two years. Plz comment if you feel their is anything missing. I will try my best to update some time this or next week. Thank you all for being really patient and I amazingly appreciate all the views and votes I'm getting.

Remember comment, vote, and follow. Thx😄😄😄


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