Chapter Six

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Hey guys! Hope you like it and really enjoy this one. Promise it will get interesting(:

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Derek’s POV

I just finished my whole story to James and Marcy. They were grateful that I got off my royal duty to raise her by myself but they were sad and a little disappointed that I didn’t contact the Elders in the first place. I ignored their little complaint and savored them my anger. I was still the vampire king.

“King Derek, is there a favor I could ask of you?” James asked.

“James, you know I hate that title. Please just call me Derek and yes ask me anything,” I answered politely. Although I knew my manners, it felt weird talking so formally since I had been living with Gracie and her teenage slang for a while now.

“Can you train Amos with his powers? In return we welcome you to stay here,” James asked. Only originals had special abilities and the Awbreys were an important family.

“Exactly what special ability does Amos have?” It was important to know more about the deal before you make it and it wasn’t like the Awbreys could instruct me where they want me to go. Although I was king of the vampires, I was still an important figure in the werewolf society too despite how little werewolves know of vampire existence. Intolerable little werewolves who think they’re the center of the supernatural world. Oh, how wrong they were.

“He hasn’t found his yet,” James said, sadly. “And I’m about the right age to retire soon and I would like Amos to take my seat in the Elders.”

“If I remember correctly, a werewolf’s special ability only appears when they need it the most,” I recalled back to a conversation I had with the original members of the Elders millenniums ago. They explained that their abilities come to them in the time of great need.

“Yes, but will you at least keep an eye on him in case his ability appears? He seems so distant and I guess it was because of Gracie and even if she’s back, I can’t help but be concerned,” James said troubled. “Will you befriend him and guide him?”

It was humiliating for an Elder to ask a vampire to protect his son but I admired how far he went to take care of his family. Although I haven’t started a family of my own and never thought of it, I understood everything.

“Of course I will, James,” I agreed. “But I will also be taking care of Gracie if you don’t mind.”

“I see you have taken a big interest in her,” James observed. Anger coursed through me and I cursed in my head. I could do whatever damn thing I wanted. I took a deep breath, knowing how important it was to not lose my cool so instead I smiled kindly at them, easily pulling off my façade.

“I raised her half her life. Of course I’m worried about her.” Yes, I changed his words a little bit but what I said wasn’t a lie either. I did worry for Gracie. She was the most important thing to me but these days, I felt like she was something more.

“I understand Derek,” Marcy spoke up. “But don’t get romantically attached to her.” I gave her a look of surprise.

“What?” I said, giving my ‘are-you-crazy’ face but she didn’t buy it.

“You might be the vampire king but I’m a woman and we know every small subtle hint so don’t deny it,” Marcy said. “She has a mate already and their family is very close with ours so we don’t want any interference.”

“You know who you’re speaking to, correct?” I boomed, trying to show that I was an authority figure.

“Yes, but your heart is still soft,” Marcy rebounded. That nerve of a woman. I admired her for her wise eyes and quick mouth. She reminded me of Gracie who was never afraid to speak her mind.

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