Tell Me, Everything.

506 13 1

Lucy POV

I feel myself being shaken. "Lucy... Lucy!" My eyes fly open as Natsu stares down at me. "Oh, hey Natsu.." I smile lightly, still worried that he still isn't himself and this all is just and act but once I look in his eyes, I know it's him.

I sit up and cup his face in my hands and stare deeply into his eye's, he gives me confused look but it eventually turns into a cute grin, he is so adorable. I near his face and lightly press my lips against his, almost immediately he starts to kiss back. I pull away making him pout "Hey..!" I giggle before hugging him, I just can't get enough of his cute act.

I finally realize what I wanna do and I pull my hand away from his face and look at him with serious eyes "Ok, we need to talk...." He pauses and raises one of his brows "We do?" "Yes, I would like an explanation for a few things." " then..." I nod before continuing. "My first question..." I pause..

"What was it like being brainwashed...?" Natsu looked at me with wide eyes "I was brainwashed?!" This made my eyes widen "Y-You didn't know..?" "No, when I opened my eyes after the dream you had, all I saw was..." He sighed "Nothing... just the never-ending black shadows..." I look at Natsu with worried eyes 'That must have been really bad... how did he even get past the emptiness and darkness...? I would have totally broke...' I thought to myself.

Natsu stared at me "D-Did anything happen...? Ya know... when I was brainwashed..." I sighed and nodded "Yes Natsu, a few things did take place while you were out..." I pulled up my leg off the ground to reveal a nasty bruise when I fell to the ground with him on top, the purple spot on my leg had been killing me ever since I got it. Natsu stared at it for a moment with wide eyes "N-No..." he covered one of his eyes with his right hand "I-I did that didn't I..." "Y-Yeah..." I turned away knowing that his expression was horrified. He didn't mean it, he had no control of what he was doing at the time....

I turn my head back to Natsu, when I did I saw that his face was now fully in his hands "Lu-Luce... I didn't mean it..." "I know you didn't, it wasn't your fault.." 'It was that bitches fault.... Crap! Shouldn't think about people that way!...... even if it is true...' I think to myself as Natsu keeps his face in his hands, I know he doesn't want to face the truth and I feel bad for showing him.... but what other choice do I have...? Like it would stay a secret for long from anyone, Natsu probably would have been the first one to find out... 

I patted Natsu's back trying to calm him down "Shh... It's ok.... you didn't know what you were doing, you had no control. I'm not mad at you, I swear...." "You may not be mad at me, but I'm pissed at myself..." he finally sat up to reveal a few tears slowly making their way to his jawline. I gasp a little and embrace Natsu in a hug "Don't cry, I can't bear it..." a small sniffle follows before a reply "I-I'm sorry Luce, I just feel really bad..." Natsu bury's his face into my shoulder "I didn't ever want to hurt you... and I just did!" He clung to my shirt. 

I lifted up his face so that he looked into my eyes as I looked into his onxy ones "I don't want you worrying about me, I need to worry about you. You're the one who keeps getting kidnapped and I have to watch helplessly until I have a plan that takes forever and.. and.." I feel two strong arms around me and wet little droplets that fell slowly onto my shoulder "Now I'm making you worry.... How can I live with myself.... after causing you so much pain?" "But you never did anything....!" "I gave you that bruise..." "But that wasn't you! That was all Lisanna." Natsu never loosened his grip, he kept his arm tightly around me 'Ok... I can't wait forever.'

Instead of being patient, I can't. I pull Natsu's face away from my shoulder and smash my lips against his. I didn't care about the rest of the world around me, I didn't care about school, and least of all I didn't care about Lisanna. All I cared about was Natsu and the feel of him with me. I started to move my lips against his, he soon started to move with mine after making me smirk into the kiss. I feel him lick my bottom lip and I partially open my mouth open so that he can slip in his tongue to explore my mouth. I feel him trying to find my sweet spot, and I made sure of it because when he did I let out a moan into the kiss. I feel Natsu smirk against my lips and push me onto my back. I felt him get off of me and lay by my side.

I stared at him in disbelief "W-Wait... What?" "Shh..." "Hold on, I still need an expla-" "I said shh... I'm tired and need to go to sleep.... you should too..." "But-" "No buts, go to sleep." I grumbled a bit before turning over on my side to be facing his chest. I breath in his scent and smile to myself "Hey Luce..." Natsu whispers "What do you want now...?" I ask in a bitter tone but Natsu knows I don't actually mean it "You know I love you..." I blush, I know I have blushed earlier on but this is one of the times I actually felt it during that whole thing... but... I was just glad to be with Natsu.




I know! I know! It's short but I have a lot on my plate at the moment on Wattpad. I still have to try and keep up with my other popular stories. So... I think I will be finishing up one of them soon, at least that's one less thing I need to worry about. Anyway, thank you so much for reading! I actually cannot believe that my story has almost 1,400 views! Like how did that happen?! My opinion, my writing is crap half the time, but I'm very glad that you guys enjoy it. I never gave much thought to it before but here I am writing stories for anime XD I'm not complaining, I'm actually really happy I decided to do this since I get feedback on what I do and everything. I'll see you guys next time! (I'm tired af...)

Next Release: 1/4/16 (NEW YEARS IN TWO DAYS XDD)

Nalu Highschool StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora