Everything Can Change

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Pain... that's all Lucy felt was pain 'Where am I?' Lucy wondered. The last thing that she remembered happened to her was pain from the one and only crazy ex-girlfriend. Lucy could feel her surrounding's a little more and she realized that she wasn't placed anyway or laying down, two strong firm hands gripped her side's and she could smell a strong scent that smelled or a camp fire 'Natsu...?' she thought, some-what relieved that she could relax for awhile. Lucy heard his footsteps hit the cobblestone stairs up to a dorm, she didn't know if it was her's or Natsu's, hopefully it was her's. But of course, fate disagreed and she felt herself being carried into a room that smelled nothing like her dorm 'Great... a dorm with two weird boys. Just what I needed after that crazy scene....' Lucy was still to weak to open her eyes and her mouth was still covered by the gag. Lucy felt herself being lifted higher and then thrown slightly onto something soft, she let out a small, little gasp as she hit the cushion and then realized that it was only his bed....'HIS BED?!?! Oh mavis.... Someone save me now...!'. Lucy stays completely still as she feels herself being wrapped in arms which she hoped they were Natsu's. Natsu whispered into her ear in a sad tone "I am so sorry..." Lucy's eyes drifted open as she stared at Natsu's room. Surprisingly, it was clean for the most part, Lucy turned her head towards Natsu with his pink soft hair in her face. Lucy nudged Natsu's arm with her foot, he looked up and smiled "Your awake!" Lucy just nodded but eyed the gag and cloth that she was being held up in. Natsu nodded back and undid her cloth's and gag placed around her mouth. Natsu leaned over her once more and a single tear ran down his face, "I am so sorry for all the pain you had to go through..." he murmured softly, he then hugged her once more as if he would never let go again. Lucy brushed Natsu's hair away from his face as she cupped his cheek in her soft hand. Natsu looked up from his hug to see Lucy smiling happily at him, "Now... why are you so sorry? It's not your fault Lisanna was a crazy maniac, you saved me.." Lucy kissed him on the cheek "And I am very grateful for that.." She smiled warmly. Natsu stared back at her, shock written across his face, he then realized he was staring at her and turned away blushing which made Lucy chuckle. Natsu laughed a little "Ye-Yeah... heheh.." Natsu sounded awkward which made Lucy laugh even more. When Lucy stopped laughing she still had a smile on her face as Natsu sat there smiling like an idiot at his stupidness. "Hey Luce?" "Wha-?" Natsu pulled Lucy into a death hug where she could not escape even if she tried, at first Lucy was in shock but it turned into happiness and she hugged him back. Natsu nuzzled his nose into her hair and smiled "Hey Lucy...?" he said in a huskier voice, Lucy noticed the tone and looked up into his onxy eyes blushing. "Yes Natsu?" she asked "You... smell nice..." He teased. Lucy buried her face into his chest trying to hide the amounts of blush that spread across her face. She gripped him tightly 'Should I confess?.... It would be awesome... but with Lisanna...' Lucy looked back at Natsu to see him smirking "It's overwhelming..." he said very huskily this time. Lucy turned a deeper red and looked down to her legs 'Why me?!' She thought hopelessly. Natsu noticed she was hiding from him and that did not please him at all "Lucy..?" she looked up at him and smiled softly "Yes Natsu..?" "Are you hiding from me?" Lucy smiled but on the inside she was afraid 'Oh god..! What if he knows! He's smarter then he looks.... Great...' Lucy smiled still "Of course not! Why would I be?" Lucy awkwardly laughed. Natsu gave her a questioning look but brushed her off slightly "So Luce?" she looked at him a little more easily this time "Yes?" " What do you wanna do?" he chuckled. Lucy sat and thought for a moment before she came up with an idea, "Hey Natsu what time is it?" she asked "Oh..! Um... it's..." Natsu checked his phone "1:00 A.M." Lucy groaned "Damnit... now I can't get back into my dorm!" she said almost through anger. Natsu just looked at her and sighed "Well... you could sleep in our dorm..." Lucy looked up at him with wide eyes "You sure that's ok?" she asked in question. Natsu nodded "Yeah it would be totally fine." he said nicely. Lucy smiled "Alright then.. wanna watch some Netflix?" Natsu smiled like an idiot and nodded "Sure! Sounds fun!" Natsu laughed "Let's go!" Natsu ran out of the room "Luce!" "Yes?!" "I will prepare food and stuff for Netflix night, ok?! You get some pj's on!" "But I don't have any!" Just wear your tank under your shirt and your pants!" Lucy looked down at her outfit 'Damn... he's right!' "OK!" Lucy quickly got on what she was gonna sleep in and ran to the kitchen to help Natsu out with the food, she didn't want him to burn the whole dorm down with his cooking skills. While Lucy puts in the microwave popcorn, she turn towards Natsu and gives him a questioned look "Hey, wheres Gray?" Natsu looked up from his work which was sorting candy into bowl for them to eat. He looked back at Lucy and sighed "Thank Mavis he isn't here.... I think he went to bowling or something like that cause of weird reasons..." Natsu smirked at the thought of Gray bowling and how stupid he would look while Lucy rolled her eyes as the timer for the microwave went off. A few minutes later , it was time for them to start their Netflix marathon "What do you want to watch?" Natsu asked "Either Soul Eater or Ouran.. Those are my favorites." Lucy giggled. Natsu chuckled and put on Episode 3 of Soul Eater with Lucy's favorite character, Death the Kid, was in it. As they were watching there was someone watching them, someone we have heard about many times before.... and it isn't good.


Hey Guys!

OMG I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! SCHOOL IS HORRIBLE!!! It is very time consuming, but here is the next chapter of my Nalu story. Also, I can't believe this has over 700 reads! Like what the heck?! I can't believe it but... Thanks so Much for Reading my Story's! Hope you enjoyed! Till next time.

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