The Jerk

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'Wow..' Natsu thought 'Why is she out here all alone?', Natsu walked over to the bench where Lucy was sitting "Sup." Natsu said "The sky." Lucy laughed, Natsu rolled his eyes "No, but seriously, what are you doing?" "Well I was heading over to eat dinner, but then I lost them.." Lucy's eyes looked like they were filled with sadness "Hey, what's wrong?" Natsu asked "Well, I was going to dinner with my friends, but then I lost them, thats what I just said.. duh?" "Oh.". Natsu thought for a moment, he walked up to the bench to sit next to the blonde, but when he sat down Lucy scooted away from him, this confused Natsu "Hey, where are you going?" Lucy realized that Natsu noticed she had scooted away "Sorry..." she whispered, Natsu kept staring at her "Come on, let's go to the cafe." Lucy looked up with a furrowed brow "Huh?" she questioned "Just come on.." Natsu grunted. Natsu ran to the cafe but stopped every once in awhile to let Lucy catch up, "Why (huff) do you (puff) run so (huff) FAST??" she said " I like to workout." Natsu replied "What did ya think? I was born this way?" Lucy giggled at the comment and Natsu grinned 'She's really cute when she laughs.' "Anyway." Natsu said "Are you hungry?" Lucy nodded "Starving." she replied, they walked inside the cafe without any hesitation. Once they were seated, Natsu wouldn't stop staring at the blonde, "Hey Natsu?" Lucy asked, a little creeped out that he was staring at her for so long "Um.. Ya?" Natsu was a little embrassed that Lucy caught him staring at her "Well.. I dont know how to put this but..." she stared off with a hint of sadness in her eyes "I-I've been hearing a rumor abo-" she was cut off by the waiter to take our order, Lucy ordered a salad while Natsu ordered a giant hamburger. After ordering, Lucy looked Natsu in his onxy eyes and sighed "Ok, now can I tell you?", Natsu stared back in her chocalate brown eyes "Sure, as long as its important." Natsu replied, Lucy looked away and murmured something that Natsu couldn't make out "Ok... here's my question.." Natsu leaned in, eager to hear what she was asking. Lucy looked down at the table "Is it true that... you use people to win over your biggest crush?" Natsu just stared at her with shock 'How did she find out? But its not like I was gonna use her, right?' Lucy stared at Natsu, waiting for his answer. 'Might as well tell her the truth.' Natsu thought sadly "Um.. Yes, I did use people for winning over a girl.." "So... its true.." she laughed "Heh... I guess I was gonna believe something you arn't... I can't believe myself.." she looked away from Natsu, he was about to say something but his food came before he could say anything, Lucy turned around and thanked the waitress. To the looks of it, Lucy wanted to leave as soon as possible so she ate as quickly as possible, while Natsu who usually ate fast, ate slower then usual. Lucy stood up and started walking to the door, "Lucy!" Natsu yelled "Where are you going?", Lucy turned to face him and she had a sad glint in her eye "Why... why do you have to be the jerk to other girls?!" she paused to take in a shaky breath "I thought we could become friends, but since there's the chance of you using me I guess we can't.." Lucy had one tear stream down the side of her face "No, Lucy I woul-" "Goodbye Natsu." Lucy turned and faced the door and ran out into the darkness "Lucy..." Natsu whispered, he was left watching Lucy run away... from him.

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