Calming Down, Hopefully?

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OK I am doing a cute chapter, Lis will be coming later cause I just don't feeling like writing about her at the moment..... Writers block ya'll XD Anyways, enjoy the Nalu moments!! (Also I will now be using POV's for Luce, Natsu, etc. So yay!)

Lucy POV

This is so embarrassing!  Natsu probably doesn't realize it but.. he is really squishing me between him in the wall. God, Natsu please! At the moment, I'm still in shock over our make out session but this is almost pushing it to far! I mean yes, Natsu is adorable and I love him dearly but when you're getting squished between him it can cause some major problems.

I hit the dummy on the head and he flinches. Natsu slowly looks up at me a grumbles "What the hell was that for...?" I roll me eyes at him "You were smushing me into the wall, I couldn't wake you up unless I did that!" Natsu looked up to me with annoyed eyes "No you didn't." "Yes I did." "NO you didn't" "Yes I did." Natsu and I kept on bickering for.. Oh I don't know longer then usual. Natsu finally rolls his eyes "Fine! Fine! I give up." I smirk at him before I giggle "Yay! I won, I won..!" I keep chanting as Natsu pouts in the corner.

Finally he snaps "Ok! I get it! You win!" he grumbles. Looks like I put him in a bad mood.... woops. I smirk as I lean in and kiss him on the cheek making his cheeks turn a light pink. I giggled to myself as he slowly turned to me "....huh?" 'That idiot...' I thought to myself as Natsu kept staring at me in complete disbelief.

I finally couldn't take it anymore and fell back laughing on his bed. I couldn't stop laughing and eventually I felt pressure on my stomach and hot breath in my face. I look up to meet Natsu's onxy eyes staring into mine with love. I start to blush as he grins in my face "Look who was caught off guard..." He teased softly, I finally realized what he was trying to do. "Haha Natsu, very funny. You're not fooling m-" I was interrupted by feeling soft lips suck on my neck and I let out a small moan.

I feel Natsu smirk against my skin as he keeps kissing my neck. I push him away before frowning "I think we have both had enough for starters..." Natsu looks away but I can tell that there is a hint of sadness in his eyes and I instantly feel bad. I crawl up to him and place myself in his lap, making me feel warm on the inside. Natsu feels quite taken aback since I just said I was done but I really didn't care. I enveloped him in a hug and buried my nose into his neck, I feel him hug back and his soft breath on my head.

That's when I hear a deafening slam
from outside the door "Natsu!!" I look at Natsu to see him staring back at me with fear written across his face. I slowly get up to be pulled in a death gripping hug. I look back to see Natsu shaking his head slowly. "Natsu I-" I start to whisper just to be cut off by him "No!" Natsu whisper yells "I'm not letting you get hurt again." Natsu then lightly pushes me aside and steps out 'No!'

Natsu POV

'No Luce..' I think 'I'm not losing you again..'. as I step out into the hallway (I lied, sorry!!!) and turn the corner to be facing a white headed female. 'Lisanna....' I think in disgust as she turns to me with a devilish grin plastered on her face. "Natsu! I was wondering where you are. Have you seen your little friend~? I need to have a word with her if you do not mind." I narrow my eyes at her "Leave Lucy out of this.". Lisanna giggles evilly "Why should I? She will only get in the way, I want you to myself. You're mine, I claimed you first and no one will take you away from me." I shiver in disgust as Lisanna smirks. 

I walk up to her slowly "Oh Natsu, have you finally come to your sens-" *SMACK*. MY hand burns as Lisanna falls to the floor.

I slapped her.

She stares up at me in shock "W-Wha..." "You really are a bitch, why would I ever date you anyway..?" Lisanna puts her hand over her mouth in shock "Na-Natsu I.." "Would you just shut up! I have told you multiple times that I am not into you in any way! Why don't you ever listen, huh?! What the hell?!" I'm furious at this point, Lisanna is threatening Lucy, I won't let this go on.

"It's over Lisanna, leave now." Lisanna stares at me for moment before a small, innocent smile is on her face "Na-Natsu, don't make me-.." "I SAID LEAVE, NOW GO AND NEVER COME BACK!!" I yell in her face. Lisanna gasps before I see tears forming in her eyes, soon enough they are streaming down her face. She sniffles before wiping the tears away "N-Natsu..." she looks up at me with angry eyes "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COOPERATE, HUH?!" I step back a little 'What the...' Lisanna grins once more "Don't you see Natsu, this is actually just an act, see" she throws me a bottle as I read the label 

'Fake Tears' it says in big, bold letters.

My eyes flash back up at her as her grin remains on her face "Guess it's time to continue on with the plan..." "What do you me-?" I feel a sharp pain in my side and look down to see red forming. My eyes flash back up at Lisanna to see a knife gleaming close to her face. My legs buckle as I fall to the ground "Wh-What did you do to me-" "Simple, I sliced your side open." My pupils shrink as I look back up at her. "You will deal with some blood lose, but no matter." My eyelids feel heavy as I fall to the ground.

The last words that I hear before I black out are...

"See you when you wake up....."



Yes I lied, I'm sorry but...


Ok, seriously I am super sorry for that but I couldn't resist!! It was sooooo tempting. 

I always hate that though when one of your favorite story's ends on a cliff hanger. And no, I am not saying that this is your favorite story, if I was.... I would be a total jerk. Besides, my work is not ever gonna be a favorite since I suck at writing but I'm glad you guy's read it ^_^. 

What will happen to Natsu next time? Stay Tuned!! 

(Next Chapter to come out will be probably: Sunday)

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