Princess Diana wasn't her natural color, she had gotten pale. 

"I calmed him down afterwards and asked him what was he talking about and Michael whispered, "We're next Diana. I feel it. They're after us now." I couldn't comprehend any of this. 

"Are you telling me my husband is psychic?" Diana shook her head. "He doesn't want to think it about like that. Don't approach him about it though not yet. He'll freak out." I nodded. "Are you ready to go to the rose garden girls?" Michael asked. I slowly looked up at my husband and stared into his eyes. 

His big brown eyes that held so much from me. I glanced at Diana and smiled. "Of course baby. Just trading stories," I lied sweetly. Michael laughed and held his hand out. I took it and held it tight. "Let's go," I whispered. Diana smiled and stood up too. Charles wrapped his hand around his wife's waist and led us out to the garden. 

I wanted to ask. Michael had these types of dreams? Is that where is panic attacks came from? 

I stared at my husband with fear swelling up in my body. The noon sun was out, but I felt a cold shiver come down my back. I fidgted and rubbed my hand on my neck. "You ok baby? You cold?" Michael asked teasingly. I shook my head. "Bugs," I replied in digust. Michael chuckled and kissed my hand. "It's fine. Look around you." I turned around and stared at the beauty before me. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Not even the smell of the many flowers could heal my fear. Michael wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him. 

"What's wrong?" He whispered. 

I couldn't keep holding this in. 

I turned around. "Michael, Diana told me something," I whispered. "Did she tell you that I went skinny dipping with Jane Fonda? It was a long time ago, and that's when I discovered alcohol. I still do it when you're not home." I shook my head. 

"You're dreams...." I took a staggered breath. "You see things and they happen." Michael's pleasant expression quickly turned to horror. His eyes widened and he looked around. "Yes, what about them?" "So, they're true?" Michael crossed his arms and looked down. 

"Are they true?" I asked again. 

"Why in the hell do you want to know? Drop the subject if you don't mind!" Michael hissed. 

"What if I don't want to drop this subject?" "Bey leave it alone!" Michael shouted. He shook his head and mumbled something. "What'd you say?" I asked. Michael's nostrils flared in anger and he stepped right into my face. 

"I said, Why did I even get married?" 

Michael stepped back and turned on his heels. "Michael!" I called. "Michael!!" 

Michael's POV

I sat in utter silence in the hotel room. I had a bottle of liquor in my hand and a package of Oreos in the other. I was sitting up in bed watching TV, when I heard the door open. "Michael?" Bey whispered. "Baby?" She asked into the darkness. She sounded upset. I let the volume of Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny give my location away. 

"Michael?" Bey asked. I looked up at her and saw that she had been crying. "What?" I whispered. I wasn't drunk, but I wasn't exactly sober either. I was half past tipsy. I twisted the cap to my bottle shut and crossed my arms. "What?" I asked louder. "You've been drinking I see." I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Why not drink myself to death in the worst city on Earth?" Bey sat down on the edge of the bed. "Diana told me about the dreams." "I know, she telephoned me." 

"Why didn't you say anything to me?" Bey asked. I shrugged. "Some things are best left quiet. My nightmares and my paranoia is just a few of what goes on in my head." "How come?" "How come what?" I asked as I chewed an Oreo. "How come you kept it all inside?" "Because....I didn't want to scare you away, y'know?"

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