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Sasuke's POV

I finished Sakura's mission quickly so I could quickly return to her. She can't be alone for too long otherwise her sanity will drop. "Sakura! I'm home! Come welcome me!" I yelled, opening the door. There was an eerie silence clinging to the air as well as cold wind drifting in and out of the place. "Sakura?" I called out, it was only midday! Where could she be? I wandered into the living room and saw a massive hole in the wall. "Did she forget there was a door?" I sweat dropped, I saw my note to her crumpled on the floor. I guess she lost her temper when she found out I went on the mission for her. 

I couldn't find any clues of where she could have gone, "Sakura-chan!! Open up!" A certain dobe banged on the door. "N-Naruto-kun... I don't think you need to knock so roughly..." A shyer voice came from the other side of the door. I sighed and opened it only to me hit on the head, "Dobe...." I growled, punching him to oblivion. "Tch, sorry Teme, I was looking for Sakura-chan, have you seen her?" He whimpered, rubbing his head. "Nope, have you?" I asked, eyeing him. He shivered then stood up, folding his arms, "Well I last saw her by the flower field," He nodded, trying to seem smart. I rolled my eyes at his failed attempt and began making my way to the flower field."Bye Hinata, Dobe," I waved, blending in with the crowd. 

When I got to the flower field, Sakura was nowhere to be seen. My eyes scanned everything, from the smallest flower to the tallest tree. I saw red, blue, yellow, green but no pink. My eyes went to a darkened forest, she wouldn't go in there would she?  I turned my back to head elsewhere when..."Sakura sweetie! Come on!" I heard an unfamiliar voice giggle, my eyes returned to the dark forest, I guess that's where I'm heading. The deeper I went into the forest, the more I had the feeling of being stalked, like someone was watching my every move, someone seemed to be ahead of me as well. "Sakura! Are you there?!" I yelled, strangely, there wasn't an echo. 

"Fool, you're interrupting a very important event! Leave!"  A deep voice bellowed, then I heard a scream. Sakura's scream. "Hang on Sakura! I'm coming!" I shouted, running towards the scream, the forest seemed to getting foggier the closer I was to Sakura's scream. My heart was beating faster and faster knowing Sakura was in trouble somewhere in this forest, "Where is she?!" I shouted as loud as I could, hoping for the man who spoke to me before would answer, "You're too late, the ritual is almost complete," I glared at nothing and ran faster than I ever have in my life, "Am I headed in the right direction?" I asked the voice, of course I was answered with silence, I clicked my tongue and kept running until I saw a faint glow.

My feet twisted my body towards it and I saw what seemed to be some sort of a small cottage. I saw 4 shadowed figures standing around a gently glowing woman with Sakura in her hands. As I silently got closer to one of them, I could hear them conversing among themselves. "Do you think she'll be able to do it properly?" One asked, folding his arms. "Of course! She's the daughter of Nagato!"  Another chuckled. "Besides, her mother here recommended her herself!" He added. Sakura's mother? I've never seen her before... I stared at the woman holding Sakura by the neck, she had dark green eyes and pale skin. Why does she look... dead? "Are you done yet?" A deeper voice sighed. "Almost, this 'Sasuke' guy is really hard to remove from her memories..." Sakura's mother sighed.

I sneaked my hand around one of the men's necks and tightened my grip, strangely, my hand went right through him. "Oh... Speak of the devil..." One muttered, turning in my direction. "We should go now, we've been here for too long," Another yawned. One by one, they began to fade. Sakura's mother began to fade and Sakura dropped to the floor. "Sakura!" I yelled, reaching out to her. "Y-You..." She mumbled, "Come on! Let's get out of here!" I tried to grab her hand but as I did, a bright light emerged from behind her. Hands grabbed her by the waist and began to drag her in.

 "Please don't let them take me..." She begged, looking at me with pleading eyes. I ran closer to her but she was out of my reach, "Grab my hands!" I yelled, she slowly reached out and I felt my hands shaking. Inch by inch, she got closer but she began disappearing. Little by little, from her fingertips, her hand slowly disintegrated. "Sakura!" I shouted, stretching as far as I could, her hand by then was long gone along with the rest of her. My legs gave way and I collapsed to the floor as I held my hand to my eyes, gritting my teeth together. "I'll get you back don't you worry Sakura..." 

Sakura's POV

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Sakura's POV

I may not of known the man who tried to save me but... I liked him. He seemed caring. Sadly, in the end, I was still taken by the deceased hokages and my mother. I glanced upwards and saw we were heading towards the sky, are they taking me to heaven? "What do you want from me?" I asked, swallowing my fear. A pair of kind, blue eyes looked back at me, they seemed really familiar for some reason. "You were chosen," He stated firmly, facing the front clearly not wanting to talk to me anymore. I admired his cloak, 'Fourth Hokage' it read. His long, blonde hair swaying as we flew upwards. A flash of a man with the same blue eyes and shorter blonde hair came into my mind. What was that?

"Where are we going?" I asked no one in particular. "The hokage's base now refrain from asking anymore stupid questions," He growled, making me shiver in my boots. I sealed my lips after that, promising myself to never speak to that Hokage again. He had long, smooth black hair and was wearing dull red armor. Judging by his clothes, he's probably the First Hokage. The man who was close to his side was wearing dull blue armor and he had white hair. He's probably the Second Hokage, somewhat close to the First. The Third Hokage was  the shortest out of all of them and he also looked the oldest. I held back a sigh of boredom as we finally landed. "Alright, I'll take my child, see you guys later," The woman waved flinging me over her shoulder like I was weightless. "What are you gonna do with me?" I whimpered as the door behind us shut. She held me like I was her prized possession and began humming. Obviously, I wasn't going to get an answer. "Come on, we need to get you prepared,"

I was sat down and restrained as everything slowly went white, "You're perfect for this job..."

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