Our Mission

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The Next Morning

Sasuke's POV

"Hmmm..." I groaned, I turned over and saw Sakura inches away from face, I wanted to kiss her but I know she wouldn't appreciate that...or would she? I leaned in to try but as I was about to, she moved towards me and smooched me. "Hm?" Her shimmering, emerald eyes fluttered open as she pulled back in surprise, "Aah um... You kinda kissed me?" I blush, she looks at me and blushes even more than I do. "F-Forget that for now, what are you doing in my bed?!" She almost yells. I glance towards the other side of the room and see her bed in solitude. "Um... This is my bed..." I say pointing to her bed. She jumps up and walks over to it but I grabbed her hand before she could leave, "Wait.. what were you dreaming about?" I smirk, must be something romantic since she kissed me. She covered her face with the back of her hand, "D-Don't worry about it," She stutters as she head to the door, "Da- Boss probably wants to introduce you to everyone," I look at her in confusion. "Why don't you just call him dad?" She seems to flinch at the word dad. "He was my dad, not anymore," With that, she grabbed my arm and took me out the room. When we reached the main hall, everyone was staring at us, "What?" I ask. "Your holding hands... with Pinky," Deidara exclaimed before being sent flying into the wall. "NEVER! And I mean NEVER call me Pinky," Sakura growled as she glared at him. "Well you haven't exactly introduced yourself so..." Sakura kissed her teeth and rolled her eyes. "Sakura, I'm sure your mother raised you with more manners than that." Sakura's 'dad' jeered. "At least she was there to raise me!" Sakura snapped back, everyone just watched the two glare at each other in confusion.

"You have no right to speak to me like that! I'm your-"
"My what? Don't you remember?"
"I do remember but I'm still your father by blood!"
"Pfft! Don't make me laugh! You removed me from the clan!"
"So what?!"
"My blood is no longer property of the Haruno clan! I'm an outcast genius!"
"I still have a higher sta-"
"You can't have a higher status then me if I'm not in the clan"
"Stop answering back!"
"Or what?! You'll tie me up and abandon me again?!"
"That's what I thought."

I stood in amazement, did Sakura just beat the leader in an argument? What does she mean tie her up and abandon her again? I felt my hand grow warmer and warmer, I look down and see Sakura is squeezing my hand. "Sakura?" I whisper to her, but as I do, she jumps and pulls me along with her. I look back and see a fire ball tearing through the wall we were once standing by. Sakura saved me? "Be more wary," She lets me go and I land on the couch. "Mr. Haruno, I think it's time for introductions, not battles," Sakura smirks. She strides to my side but slightly in front of like she's defending me, "Hmmm, Are you interested in the newbie?" Haruno says. Sakura looks like she tensed up, Sakura? "Not in the slightest," She answers in a smug tone, I feel like a knife just went through my heart multiple times. I feel my eye twitch, "Well you won't mind introducing us to him would you?" I can introduce myself and the team! "I am Sasuke Uchiha, my teammates are: Juugo, Suigetsu and Karin," I state quite clearly. Haruno seems to be analyzing me so I glare into his eyes. "Hmph! Sasuke and Sakura, I'm assigning you a mission! You are to go to the Village in the Sand and collect this scroll as a trial run!"

Sakura's POV

Sand Village?! "Wha- That's like a month trip! Just to get there!" I yell, two whole months with Sasuke will be unbearable, I left to destroy all bonds and to kill Haruno now I'm stuck with some guy who 'loves' me! Not to mention he took my first kiss too! "You will leave now!" I pout and grab Sasuke, pulling him towards the door. When we get outside, I leap onto the trees and wear my hood and short akatsuki cloak. "Um..." I glance towards Sasuke, "What?" I ask angrily. Why is his face so red? I look down and realize his hand was entwined with mine, I feel my face grow red as I put some distance between us. Ok Sakura, have at least contact as possible, you need to focus on the mission! The shortest route would probably shorten our trip by at least a week, but depending on how Sasuke tackles the obstacles this could take longer than needed. I must of trailed off into my thoughts since I hear Sasuke yelling my name in my ear. "Let's go," I say coldly as I leap from tree to tree ensuring Sasuke was always one tree behind so we'll never end up on the same branch. Neither of us talk much so this is a very long, awkward trip. Where's Naruto when you need him to talk stupidity? Speaking of Naruto, I wonder how everyone took my disappearing... No one came to look for me. They must have forgotten me in a day. Father was right...

Back in Konoha

"Find her! We can't lose her! Not again!" Tsunade demands. Her voice booming from the tower and bouncing around every corner of Konoha. "Sakura. Why would you leave?" She would mutter to herself. "Granny! I think Sakura's with the Akatsuki!" A certain blondie yelled. Tsunade would believe anything and everything about Sakura's whereabouts. "Then call in an ANBU team to go check!" The blondie bolted out the room as Tsunade sat in her chair. Drinking her worries away. A man with gray-hair walked in. "Tsunade-sama, the Sand Village have requested a team to go in and retrieve a scroll." He says calmly and smoothly. Almost like nothing wrong is happening. "You and Naruto will have to go!" And the gray-haired man was gone. "Please come home Sakura..." 

And with that, Tsunade took another shot of sake and passed out.

SasuSaku: The UnlovedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora