Wake Up

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Sakura's POV

"Sasuke?" I whispered as his lifeless body dropped above me, "S-Sasuke!" I knew my voice was falling on deaf ears as my vision blurred from my tears. I touched Sasuke's heart as he used his last breath to say, "I want to know your true feelings," He touched my cheek feebly and I saw my tears streaming down his arm as it dropped. "Sasuke? Sasuke!" I cried and I flipped us over so I could help him breath. I touched his chest and there was no heartbeat, I knew all my face was burning with angering as I slammed my fist into the floor next to me, "SASUKE!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs flinging my head back. My tears turned to burning blood, that was a sign. I noticed my hair slowly turning white and my eyes began to feel like fire, another sign. I screamed but it didn't sound human, I saw red, a man followed by many others headed towards me. "I'll...I'LL KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!" I screeched darting towards them with a kunai and sword from the floor. As I ran past each one, I could hear the sound of them spitting out blood or dropping to the floor. I got tired out and I felt my head drop along with my body. "That...all ya got?!" Someone panted. My eyes slowly looked towards Sasuke's body and I felt something inside me building up. "Sasuke...Sasuke......SASUKE-KUN!" I screamed allowing a surge of energy to pass through my body. Everything went black and I began to hear voices in my head.

"I love you Sakura-chan!"
"You are the unloved,"

"Give him a few days and he'll be with that red abomination!"
"What you talking about babe? This is exactly as it seems!"
"Remember this... I loved you,"

Sasuke, so many things have happened between us. Mostly bad things but... we've been together for so long. My body began to burn and I had my vision back, there was blood and body parts everywhere. It was a gory sight but I'd seen worse. "Sasuke-kun!" I gasped searching the area for his body. I found him where there was a small pool of blood, "I want to know your true feelings," His words echoed in my head and I placed my head on his chest and punched the floor. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I...I love you..." I cried my heart out, "Sasuke-kun why did you leave me?" I lifted his upper body up and hugged him tightly, "Why? Why did you have to die? Please...just...come back to me..." I knew saying that wouldn't fix anything but I didn't know what else to do, "S-Sakura..." I heard Itachi's voice and I glanced up but only saw a blurred image of him. "Itachi, S-Sasuke-kun's ... can- can you help him?" I sniffed, Itachi walked over and crouched by the body, he didn't say a word, he just stared intently at Sasuke.

I think his silence means he can't save him. I felt my cheeks dampen even more and I grabbed his body and placed my forehead on his. "Wake up! Please wake up!" I cried. "S-Sakura's he's-" Itachi held my shoulder but I brushed it off, "NO! HE'S NOT! He just has... to wake up..." I sobbed in denial, I know he's dead... I just can't admit it. A soft breath brushed against my cheek and I opened my eyes wide, "S-Sasuke-kun?" I whispered. I touched his cheek, his skin was pale and cold. "NO! NO! NO! STOP IT! STOP DYING! YOU CAN LIVE!" I screamed squeezing him, "OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES!" I began to shake his body roughly, "Sakura stop!" Itachi brought his arms beneath mine and restricted me. "Please! You have to save him! Please! Just...let him live!" I heard Itachi sigh and I thought of all the medical jutsu I knew. Reanimation Jutsu! That should work right? "Lemme go! I can save him!" I tried to run back to Sasuke but Itachi kept holding me back, "You can't use reanimation jutsu without giving a life," He sighed like he read my mind. If I want to save Sasuke, I'll die myself?  "I...I have to at least try!" I screamed pushing Itachi off me and dropping to the floor beside Sasuke. I did hand signs as quick as I could so Itachi couldn't stop me and held Sasuke's chest and my heart.

My body began to feel like it was being torn apart, "SASUKE-KUN!!" I screamed out in pain, blood began to pour down my back and arms, the wounds from Sasuke appeared on my body and as each one came, my body began to burn and bleed even more. "SAKURA YOU GONNA GET YOURSELF KILLED!" Itachi shouted over my screaming. "I DON'T CARE! AS LONG AS SASUKE-KUN LIVES, THEN... THEN I'LL PUT EVERYTHING I HAVE ON THE LINE FOR HIM!" I screamed. I forced all my chakra into Sasuke and even began to use the tailed beast. "S-Sakura?" I heard Sasuke whisper. It's just my imagination, I forced even more chakra in and my vision went woozy, blood began dripping down my forehead. My body can't take much more of this... But I have to endure this! For Sasuke! I noticed my hair slowly falling from my head, getting shorter and shorter, I'm almost out of power. Is Sasuke alive yet? I can't see, my vision is full of blood. "SASUKE-KUN!!" I screamed one last time allowing the last piece of chakra I had to go into him, "IF YOU DIE!!... I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" My arms felt like they were beginning to fall off and my legs gave way making me fall on top of Sasuke. I can't move anymore, I've completely drained my chakra. I shut my eyes and heard the quiet sound of a heartbeat. Is that mine? No. It sounds too far, It has to be... I opened my eye slightly and let a wry smile across my face.


"You ...better ...be ...alive...


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