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"Emily," Shane groans as he's also half asleep while he shakes me awake. "What?" I ask, annoyed.

"Get up; we need to start getting back into old habits again and wake up early. Everyone else is already awake."

I sling the warm, fuzzy blankets off of me and yawn. "You need to leave, Shane." I demand awkwardly.

Ever since the CDC, I haven't really spoke to Shane such. I wanted to avoid any possible contact with him.

Especially since I got with Daryl. He'd murder Shane within seconds and make the death slower than a snail.

"No, Emily, we need to discuss a few things. Please, it won't take long." He basically begs as he sends me a serious look.

"What is it?" I snap, folding my hands over my chest.

"I know I screwed up, and I'm so sorry. Listen, I drank way too much and I didn't have any control of what I was doing."

"Yeah? Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you tried something stupid." I murmur as I walk out the room.

Shane's P.O.V

I watch as the gorgeous girl that I love walk out the room. I wouldn't show it, but my heart broke in two and it pains me.

Sighing, I walk out a few minutes after the accident and enter the living room, where everyone was gathered on the couch.

Emily was snuggling under Daryl's arm, and that's when I knew what I had to do. I need to get Daryl out of the way. I need Samantha to myself.

I need to murder Daryl.

"Are you okay, man?" Rick asks, catching me off guard and everyone puts their attention on me.

"Yeah, I was just thinking." I answer a tad too quickly. "About what?" Elise asks, standing from the couch.

"We need supplies. I suggest we go later tonight, when the sun is beginning to go down."

"Okay, what else?" Katie and Chyann lift their eyebrows.

"Okay," I pause to think. "Elise, Katie, Chyann, and Emily, you all go to the local Walmart. Glenn and Rick, you go scavenge around the town. Daryl and I will search another town near the Walmart."

"Well, we have a long night ahead of us." Emily blurts as she stands up. "Go pack some extra supplies. We might be there all night."

Emily's  P.O.V

I walk back into the bedroom and plop my book bag on the bed and Chloe trudges in. "Yeah?"

"Be careful out there. Shane said that Merle and I will stay back and protect the house. Just, please, don't get killed."

"I won't; I promise. I won't loose you again, and you won't loose me."

"Okay, let's pack your bag like we packed when we first left the house." Chloe stands up and rummages through some drawers.

She tosses an extra pair of clothes, a knife, a box of bullets, several bottles of water, flashlight, and a blanket onto the bed.

"Okay, I'll put everything into the bag. You need to set everyone else straight. Make sure they're ready." I say.

"Okay, sis. Please be careful. I highly doubt that I'll see you before you leave."

"Okay, and Chloe, I love you."

"I love you, too. Mom and Dad would be so proud of you, I know they would."

I hug Chloe tight as I begin to tear up. "Thanks," I whisper, pulling her closer.

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