Zip Tie

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We've been on the high way for about thirty minutes, and Dale pulls the RV to the side of the road, and we follow.

I jump out of the truck as the doors to the RV open; and I hoped it was Chloe rushing out to give me a hug, but instead, Andrea came.

"You left my sister for dead!" She screams, pouncing on me like a tiger, and I fall backwards.

"There was nothing I could've done!" I yell, holding her hands away from my face.

In a split second, I had her pinned to the ground and a zip tie on her wrist.

"How the-?" She starts. "Never leave without a zip tie." I state as I stand up.

As I look around, everyone was starring at me with wide, shocked eyes.

"My dad taught me." I answer, but I could tell they still had questions.

"Listen, I was on my way to see Chloe in the RV, but she got in my way. And no one will ever get in the way of me and my family."

Andrea's deadly eyes seem to be replaced with sympathy and heartbreak .

"Chloe, she's not in the RV." She whispers in a sad voice, trying not to cry.

As her words sunk in, I couldn't believe it. I race into the RV, and sure enough, Chloe was nowhere to be seen.

I collapse to the floor, and Shane rushes in, followed by Daryl.

"You... you said, back at camp, that Rick would make sure that Chloe came back safe!" I scream.

"Where's Merle?" Daryl yells, and I quickly realize that Merle wasn't with us either.

I follow Daryl back outside the RV, and we both head for Rick.

" Where is my sister?" "And my brother?" We yell at the same time.

"Just listen," Rick starts. "Listen! I'm just being told about this and now we are farther away from Atlanta than we are now!" I scream.

Daryl swings a punch at Rick, but is stopped by Shane grabbing him and holding him in a chokehold.

Even though I wanted to end Rick's life right now, I chose not to and just breathe in and out, in and out.

"We sent Chloe and Merle up to the roof to look around for Glenn, and he was at the other building." Rick states.

"And?" I snap, even though my heart couldn't bare to take in anymore information.

"Chloe and Merle were ready to get him, but all the rest of us wanted a plan. So they left without us, and only Glenn came back."

"You left my sister for dead! She risked her life for Glenn and y'all 'didn't have enough time to go get her and Merle!" I scream.

"What happened in the building with Glenn?" I ask, a little calmer.

"I don't know. W-we weren't there. Go ask Glenn, he's beside T-Dog." Rick points to a Korean man, between his early twenties.

I storm over to him. "You have twenty seconds to explain before I snap your neck." I snarl.

"When they got to me, there was a mob of walkers after me. They offered to fight them off while I ran, and I did." Glenn says.

I plop myself beside Andrea and take the zip tie off, and she gives me a tight hug.

"Is this what it fells like? To lose a sister?" I ask between my sobs.

Andrea rubs my shoulders and stands up.

"We need to go." Shane squats beside me. "You can ride with me if you want." He offers.

"I think Daryl needs someone with him right now." I say, looking up to Shane. He nods and helps me up.

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