Doors Shut And Locked

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After Daryl finally went to sleep, I lay awake in my bed, thinking about the things that has happened.

Shane trying to make a move on me in the library room, and Adam almost hitting me... again.

My thoughts take me back to when Adam found out about my scars on my arm.

After he slapped me, he laughed in my face, as I sat on the bathroom floor, in tears, leaning against the dirty bathtub.

"Looking for attention, huh?" Adam asked as he leans closer into my face, the smell of beer noticeable.

"N-no." I choke out through the tears. He laughs as he slams my head against the tub.

I toss and turn, making the covers wrap over my body in all different directions and patterns.

After the silence of the early morning, footsteps were heard in the hall, and Daryl and I jump out of bed.

"The hell's going on?" Daryl asks as he sticks his head out the door.

I peak out the door and spot Adam walking down the hallways, holding an empty wine bottle by the neck.

Soon, the hallway is crowded by the group, everyone asking questions and trying to get his attention.

"Adam," I grab him by the shoulder. "Why won't you tell us? Give us an answer."

He shoves my hand off and enters the lab, and we all follow him, not prepared on what's going on.

Adam turns on the projector and a figure pops on the screen.

Its jaw was snapping at something and trying to reach it, but couldn't due to the strap tied over it.

"What the hell is this?" I snap as I take a step closer to Adam, balling up my fists.

He presses the play button and demonstrates what is happening.

"One of our people who worked here, was brave enough to get bit and come back." He explains.

"Eventually, he died, and that's when we tied him down. Five hours later, it wasn't him who came back to life, but a monster."

"What do you mean?" Andrea asks. "What happened to him?" Shane questions.

"The brain cells came back, and only part of the lower brain. So it wasn't like him. The top part is what defines you, the lower brain, not so much." Adam says.

I keep my eyes peeled on the screen, but flench when a bullet goes through its head.

"Hey, Adam, I don't wanna bother you, but that clock over there," Dale points to a clock that is mounted to the wall. "It's counting down. What will happen when it gets to zero?"

" The CDC will be under detamination." He explains.

I freeze as I hear the words fall out of his mouth, and my heart races faster every second.

"What the hell does that mean?" Daryl questions, walking towards him, waiting for an answer.

"The power will shut down." Adam lies through his teeth.

" I-it means that this whole place is gonna e-explode in l-less than thirty minutes." I choke out.

As soon as the words sunk in on everybody, we all sprint to the door, but Adam shuts and locks it.

We're all gonna die... today... in here... at the CDC...

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