4 | Tough Crowd - H

Start from the beginning

I wish that somehow you would appear,

I wish you'd be by my side, right here

Even with these powers I still cannot bring you back to me

Before I was selfish and I didn't care about you

I didn't understand your heart; I was a fool

Right now I'm trying to change who I am

And I know you're not by my side,

But it's because of your love, that I'm trying to change

If I could freeze time, I'd go back to you

I open this book, and see the pictures of us two

On that page, you and I...

...back then when there was "you and I"

I'm not strong, but I can change because of you, because of your love

You changed my everything


Before I didn't understand how precious love was, oh

I thought that when it ended everything would be just fine, oh

Right now I'm trying to change who I am,

And I know you're not by my side, but it's because of your love, that my love will go on

If I could freeze time

I'd go back to you

I open this book

It has the pain that we both knew

As my tears fade away... oh

...snow begins to fall just like that day

I'm still searching for, the one I can't see anymore

I'm still listening for, the one I can't hear anymore"

I finished my last note then stood up to take a bow. I stood there waiting for the claps in the room to die down before the judges commented their remarks.

The first judge was the lead songwriter of SH, Mr. Kang.

"Ms. Halla, I see that you don't have a lot of personal info on your form? You have no birth year, no parental names, and I see you are from America?" he questioned me as he looked through my file in front of him and looked straight back up at me.

The room became extremely silent before I responded, "Uh, Yes. I am an orphan so I'm afraid I don't have much of that information."

I heard some whispers in the back of the room from the other people auditioning and tried to keep my composure. I had learned growing up that I should be happy with who I am, therefore the whispering had no longer taunted me.

"I see...well for your song, I must say I'm impressed by your talent. The song was beautifully written even if I couldn't understand seventy-five percent of it. Well done."

The room gave a quiet laugh and I bowed in thanks to Mr. Kang.

The second judge was a producer at SH named, Mr. Lee. He understood English, which was why he claimed that he could connect with the song much better.

"Well Ms. Halla, I don't really have much to comment on. I love your writing style, it's... unique. The song was beautifully written and I could feel the emotion from it...and you have a lovely voice by the way."

He smiled at me and nodded his head in approval.

"Thank you" I said as I bowed to him with a huge smile plastered on my face.

After his comment, I felt reassured with myself, and had hope for my audition.

The last of the three judges was the CEO of SH himself, Jung Soo Ha.

"Ms. Halla. You must be aware that we don't have many positions open for songwriters here. Am I right?" he asked rhetorically.

"You stated on your profile that you speak fluent Korean, is that correct?"


"Then may I ask you, what are you doing in Korea?"

I stared at him with a confused brow raised.

He continued, "What makes your audition any different than if you were to audition in America? You have all the capabilities to debut in America, which I must add is much easier than in this country."

At this I was completely speechless.

"What I'm trying to convey, is that you wrote us a song in English. We are a Korean entertainment company. I don't know about you Halla, but for me personally I enjoy music the most when I'm able to understand and be able to connect with the song. Although I do admit it was a lovely sounding song, it would have been great to hear a Korean written song in order for us to be able to critique you better. That is all."

I bowed to him and hit myself subconsciously for not even thinking about that. After that, I knew what the outcome of my audition would be.

P.S. Play the video during the performance part.
(All rights go to the original singer, Silv3rT3ar on YouTube)


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