Chapter 5 -Soccer Match-

Start from the beginning

This is how it succeed in something..

"Ha, how pathetic of you, your whole team acting like THEY WON THE WHOLE THING. LYON ONLY SCORED ONE POINT NOT WON THE BET!"

"LOKE!" Gray shouted and passed the ball to him.

Gray was serious now. He didn't suspect me to even get any points.

He wanted to win this bet really bad.

Loke stopped the ball in between his feet and started dribbling it.

Sherria and Rogue were trying to steal the ball from him.

"HEY LOKE OVER HERE! PASS IT TO ME!" Erza called and Lyon stopped and kicked it over to her.

Erza starred at the ball and then at our goalie which was Minerva.

She kicked it and it slammed straight into the net.

"One point so far for Gray and Lyon's team. KEEP IT GOING PEOPLE!" The teacher blew her whistle again.

Just like that, it was war, actually the war of soccer and secretly for Juvia...

When did Gray even want to ask Juvia to the dance?

Like when did he decide this? He has million of girls that want him to ask?

Maybe he is trying to steal her away so I can be more of a loner?

"LYON! OVER HERE!" Sherria shouted over to me. Her face was slightly red for some reason she passed the ball to me.

I aimed the ball into the goal and scored another point.

-Time Skip-

"Nearly end of the first round in MATCH 2! LYON ON 2 POINTS, GRAY ON 1 POINT!" The teacher announced.

Yes I am beating Gray so far.

"I am not letting my own stupid cousin to beat me!" Gray dashed towards the ball. Everybody in my team tried to stop him.

Rogue kicked it away, Gray chased after it and dribbled the ball back towards our goalie.

"Hey PASS IT HERE!" Loke shouted and flicked his hair which made the girls behind him fangirl and faint.

-Gray's pov-

I need to do this, I have to win...I need to.

For some reason I was never that determent to do something...

I want Juvia, I always had a crush on her I know I bully her, have a lot of fan girls. I didn't really realize until that stupid bastard Lyon came and started becoming all "friendly" towards her.

This's probably jealously.

WAIT WHEN HAD I EVER BECOME JEALOUS OVER A GIRL?! I have so many fangirls anyway.

I ignored Loke who was obviously just trying to look hot in front of the girls.

"Bro, kick it towards me!" Natsu was on the opposite side of the goal.

I ignored him as well, I need to make this shot by myself...

Lucy ran towards me calling out my name.

"Oh Gray, why do you even want to ask that pathetic looser to the dance"

"Just...shut up Lucy" I kicked the ball around her and she tripped over.

Tsk, lmao Loke and Natsu aren't going to be happy that I just said that to her.

The goal is straight away, I dodge around Cana and Bickslow heading closer towards it.

I took a quick glance around the field.

Jellal and Erza were talking, Natsu was helping Lucy up when she tripped over.

Rogue was standing at our goalie not knowing what to do.

Minerva was getting ready to catch the ball when I kicked it.

Lisanna and Levy were sitting down in the middle of the field.

Wendy, Elfman, Evergreen and Sherria were just standing around drinking water.

Loke was flirting with the girls while the rest were scattered around the field running towards me or calling my name to pass it to them,

I dribbled the ball a bit closer and then kicked it.

Everything felt like it was going in slow motion waiting if the ball will get into the goal. Minerva jumped to catch it and she...missed.


My whole team clapped for me.

"IT'S A TIE! 2-2, If Gray wins the next point he won 2 matches so his team won. If Lyon wins it then we shall take a break and then go onto the last match"

I smiled over towards Juvia she noticed, blushed and turned around to talk to Lyon.

Now time for the last point, I should make this quick.

I stole the ball from Lyon he started chasing after me.

I quickly turned a corner and then to the left side of the field accidentally pushing over Lisanna and Kagura.

I aimed the goal and scored.


"YES! GOOD JOB GRAY!" My team mates cheered and applaud.

Lyon stood there gutted, Juvia comforting him.

If only Juvia congratulated me...

"Lyon don't forget the bet meet me after gym class!"

-After Gym class-

Everybody had gotten changed out of their sports uniform and into the school one.

I was about to head towards the next class when I heard screaming.

"Stop it please, Juvia doesn't even know!"

Juvia's voice...

"Yeah right you fat frog. How come Gray wants to go to the dance with you. In fact I bet he said it as a joke!" Lisanna yelled and crunched up her books again.


"Lucy, Lisanna, girls..." I slowly stood infront of them.

"Oh Gray, please help us beat the crap out of this girl again"

A/N: The longest chapter I have ever written. Sorry if the soccer rules aren't correct I had to research rules oh how to play soccer wow...just wow. Sorry for not updating I was on a cruise for 8 days.

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