Games, Names, and Fame

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Alexander's tour finished up, Harry had left for Texas, and I was considered full term. It had become a waiting game. Bas had decided that he wanted to start preschool, so we enrolled him to the one next door to Lennon's school. It was the first week of August, Alexander had the boys as he wanted to spend time with them before they returned to school the next Monday.

The heat became unbearable for me. The paparazzi hounded me, so it was easier for me to stay in most of the time. I sent Manuela to the store and Harry had hired extra security to guard the front of our home.

My sister flew from Florida with my mother and best friend, Molly (who had been on a mission trip in South America for almost year) because my coworker, Linda, had decided to throw a small baby shower on a Sunday just as I reached 38 weeks. Harry and I had basically ordered everything we might need, but it was an excuse to see my friends and family before little miss arrived.

My house was full of guests by noon. Several brought presents, but all were asked by Charles to leave their phones with him. Harry had hired a professional photographer so the photos would be elegant.

"Rhiannon needs to see how beautiful her shower was," Harry joked.

"We are not naming our daughter after a Fleetwood Mac song," I argued.

"How about Penny Lane?" He grinned.

"Hmph, I love you, I love The Beatles, but song titles don't equal perfect names," I rolled my eyes.

"Have fun, Sophie. Love you," and he ended the call.


"I can't believe it's been so long!" Molly exclaimed gripping my belly and then hugging me.

"I know - so much has changed," I teared up as I reminisced.

"Well, Norm and I are very happy for you and Harry," she smiled. "We look forward to attending your wedding!"

She excused herself as she walked to the kitchen to help Linda. I sat on the couch and thought about how different things had become in less than two years. Maybe Harry and I had moved quickly....but I absolutely adored him and knew he was the one for me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Linda and Rayne announcing it was time for a baby shower game. The women enjoyed playing Baby Gift Bingo. I ended up calling Gemma to FaceTime with her and Anne. I called Eleanor through FaceTime to report on the shower. She seemed impressed and excited to visit in a few weeks.

Around 3:30, I began to get quite tired. Alexander texted that they had gone to the zoo and the boys were exhausted. He would bathe them, feed them and then bring them home to get a good night's rest for school.

At 4pm, the guests started to leave. I stood by the door and thanked each and every one. We gave them each digital picture frames as party favors. I thanked, hugged and cried with Linda. My mom and Rayne were leaving at 8 pm, so they helped me tidy - well, they did most of the work - until Alexander brought the boys home.


"Have a safe flight. I will miss you," I wiped tears from my cheeks and hugged my mom and sister goodbye.

"We will be back soon," Rayne assured me.

"I know," I wouldn't admit how alone I felt. Harry had been away for most of the pregnancy. My midnight cravings were fulfilled by myself, Carl, Manuela, even Alexander occasionally.

As their car drove away, I cried. Walking up the steps to the front door, my water broke.


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