Kaitlyn Gilmore- Jiper

Start from the beginning

"Awesome! Y'know, I heard that your sister nearly crashed his ride a few years back... I don't think he'll let you drive." Leo laughed. Jason has a sister that nearly crashed some guy's car?

Well, I had all the information I needed, now I just need to get to the Grand Canyon before them. Thank God for family jets. 

~~~ Jason and Piper arrive~~~

Oh my God, they're finally here! I'd been waiting for hours at the only lodge near the canyon. They finally arrived at like 10 P.M. I was here at like 4. 

I hid behind my magazine when they pass. Jason looked hot, as usual, in a blue shirt that brought out the blue of his eyes, paired with dark wash jeans. He had his arm around a girl with choppy brown hair with little braids and feathers. Her skin tone hinted at Native American ancestors, and her eyes changed colors, almost like a, what do you call 'em... kaleidoscope! Yeah, a kaleidoscope. She looked kinda cute in a black skirt that stopped a few inches above her knee, a floral three-quarter length sleeved top and black high top converse. 

She's not as pretty as me! Why would he choose her over me?! I'm obviously the better candidate! I mean I have looks and a rich daddy! Who could compete with that?! I notice they're talking so I listen in. "Really Jason? The place I almost died?" the girl chuckled, almost as if almost dying is a trivial matter. 

"Well, it's also the place I met you. Granted, you thought you knew me already... but that doesn't matter. The point is, this is where our crazy lives officially started. Where you and Leo discovered what you were, where i began the journey to remember my identity and we met the fourth member of the Prophecy of 7. This is where one chapter of our lives began, and this is where I want it to end and another begin."

Oh my God! Is he breaking up with her?! Did he realize that I'm the better option!?

"So this is where I decided was best to do this." He took a deep breath and got down on one knee, pulling a small velvet covered box out of his pocket. "Piper Mclean," Mclean, where had I heard that name before? "Would you do me the honor of becoming my eternal partner, would you marry me?"

So not where I was hoping this was going! "Oh my gods! Yes!" Piper whispered, tears in her eyes. Jason grinned and jumped up, picking her up and spinning her around. When he set her back down, he took the ring out of the box and slipped it on her finger. Then he leaned in and kissed her. 

Just before I was about to stand up and fight for my man, hordes of teenagers began streaming into the area everything had transpired in. They were clapping and a few were even crying.They came and hugged the pair and lifted them over their heads. 

"I think these two deserve the treatment Percabeth got! To the canyon!" A rather masculine girl wearing a bandana on her head shouted. 

Then I watched in disbelief as they walked over to the barrier and threw the couple over. "What the fuck would make you do that you sadists!" I screamed as I came out of hiding.

"Hey! You're the bitch that tried to ask Jason out earlier!" I recognized the guy from earlier today- Leo. 

"You just threw your 'best friend' over a cliff and that's what you're worried about?! I screamed. 

"You dumb cow! Jason can fly! It's a power that comes along with being a son of Jupiter!" Some girl in a Green Day shirt and silver tiara said. 

"Son of who?!" I asked

"Jupiter, you know, Roman form of Zeus?" the same girl said slowly, as if I were a toddler. 

"You're insane! Who are you?!" 

"Jason's sister, Thalia. Daughter of Zeus, Lieutenant of Artemis, I spent a bit of time as a pine tree. I was on the run from an early age and sacrificed myself to save my two best friends. I don't think you want to fucking mess with me." She said, glaring. 

"Why the hell are you telling me this?" I asked, because it did seem fairly suspicious that they were so willing to tell someone who they just met. 

"Because we're supposed to take you with us, dimwit." Leo sighed. 

"You're going to kidnap me?!" 

"No, believe me, I do not want to spend any more time with you than I have too, but these are orders from the goddess, Iris. Apparently, your mother. Honestly, I've been going to this camp for four years and I've never seen a god or goddess claim their child so bluntly. And no, it's not kidnapping. We already told your dad about it. Go call him if you don't believe me."


I dialed my dad's number. It rang a few times before he picked up. "Kait? What's up, honey?"

"Dad, did you talk to some people about them taking me to a camp?"

"Yes. I've known for years that you would have to go eventually. When that boy, Leo, approached me and said you had to go... well, it was time. You won't have to spend too much time there though, your mom doesn't give you enough of a scent for that. So you'll be able to live basically the same. Except with a weapon... and weapons training. Anyway, I suppose you have to go now. I'll talk to you later, dear."

"...Bye dad."


I turned back to face the group. "He said you're telling the truth." I whispered. 

"Yes, great. Now give me the phone." Leo said, approaching me briskly. Before I had time to react, the phone was out of my hand and he was screaming "Watch out below!" into the canyon. Then he chucked my phone into the canyon.

"What the fuck did you do that for?!" 

"As a demigod, you give off a scent to monsters. Using electronics, unless specially made, sends a flare up to monsters that says 'Look at me! I'm a demigod! Come and eat me!' Here," he handed me another phone, "Everything on the phone I just chucked is on this phone. I made it myself, so it won't attract anything. Now, come on, we should get out of here. A huge group of demigods is bound to attract a ton of monsters."

In a daze, I hardly remember the way we got to this camp, and as soon as I got a bunk in my cabin, I passed out from exhaustion. 


Side note that literally has nothing to do with this story: my brother was trying to get his phone to play a Christmas song, but it wasn't working, instead shuffling to another song on his phone. Well, when he stopped pressing it, the song that was playing was called "Jesus Must Die" from Jesus Christ Superstar, a wonderful Rock Opera that tells the story of Jesus's crucifixion and what Judas went through. So that's my weird story of the update. 

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