Chapter fifty-two

Start from the beginning

And the scent of their blood was strong.

I ran as fast as I could to an ordinary looking house, standing in eerie silence with a busted front door. Catching my breath as silently as possible, I slowly walked into the house, the scent of their blood becoming overpowering.

What if they weren't here? What if Ryo or someone else had moved them away?

Blood was splattered over the floor, the furniture, and even some on the walls. Dry plaster was dotted over destroyed items, smashed glass everywhere. The ceiling light was flickering and deadly still, as the strong scent of their blood made me sick to my stomach. My eyes finally adjusted, focusing on a messy mop of bright hair splattered with black.

"Taehyung!" I whisper-yelled, rushing for him. He was lying on his front under a chest of drawers, black sticky blood smeared through his hair, through his clothes, and smeared over his face. I crouched, hauling the pile of wood off his limp body. He had not uttered a single sound, and I could not currently tell where Jin even was.


He let out a quiet groan, weakly spitting out a clump of black.

"Tae, where's Jin?"

He only wheezed for breath as more blood dribbled out the numerous wounds on his back.

"Oh, fuck."

Locking my fingers together, I tried to apply slight pressure to one of the nastiest looking cuts, waiting expectantly for it to heal. However it did not, and I looked at the eerily still body of my brother in helpless confusion.

"J-jungkook," he choked, spitting out even more blood. "He never left. H-he's waiting for you."

I nodded in dismissal, trying to rub off at least a little of the blood that stained his face of pure sunshine. "I'm going to get you both out, okay?"

His eyes flickered alive with fear. "Jin is hurt. J-jungkook, he has a knife that.."

I shushed him, looking around are the smashed furniture for any sign of Jin. After a disappointing quick scan revealing nothing, I bent back down to Taehyung.

"I need you to stay here okay? Stay quiet. I'm going to look for Jin."

He did not nod but I knew he understood. I stood quietly, looking for any obvious pools of blood.

Then the light flickered and it didn't turn back on.

My leg nudged something by accident, and a large crash followed. I jumped out of the way, my senses still not adjusted to the extremely limited light. My elbow landed into a wall and I grabbed at it, feeling my way along until I reached a closed doorway. With a hard shove it gave way into a lit bathroom, blood smeared splattered on the walls belonging to our leader.

"Jin!?" I hissed, stepping into the space in search for him.

And I found him.

His eyes were closed as he limply laid in a bath, boiling water sloshing over the side as the tap for hot blared full-boar.

That son of a bitch!

Fire weakens vampires, and the same goes for anything burning. The bath water was tinted with a black substance that refused to melt into the water, and I ran, turning the knob off as fast as I could despite the burn on my hand.

"Okay, time to wake up."

I started to pull Jin out of the bathtub, and he remained completely unresponsive and unconscious in my hold. With a grunt I pulled him to stand, the heat from his body burning mine, but I refused to let a small detail hinder my efforts. I carried him with aching shoulders out of the bright bathroom, bringing him as close as I could to the front door of the house. I would have to come back for Taehyung.

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