Because I would need to make a pitstop at an old friend's house.

But I kept that part to myself.

"Ugh," Alaric scrunched up his nose, "You just said information before--"

"That was before I was almost sold to a fat pig, locked in a cage, and forced to share tea with your pet." I answered heatedly. Nori blushed lightly, but didn't stop smiling. He obviously didn't regret our encounter at all, and I regretted it like a drunk girl at a frat party. Alaric sighed, frustrated as he flipped his bangs out of his face, only for them to fall back over. He sauntered over to a file cabinet that had the blown up skull of what had to be some kind of hybrid snake. It rattled on its stand as Alaric dug around viciously in the cabinet, then withdrew a file. He thumbed through it, then tossed it to me and I managed to catch it in my lap without spilling my blood on the floor. I glared at Alaric, who smiled sheepishly before kicking the cabinet shut.

"They call him Hunter." He stated as I opened the file.

"Hunter," I echoed drolly, "What kind of ridiculous name is that? How cliche."

"Oh, trust me, sweetie. Telling him that would be your first big mistake." Alaric replied, walking back over to Nori and giving him a quick pinch on the cheek and making a cute face at him. Nori still didn't seem to understand, and part of me wondered if Nori was telling the truth about Ryuu having molested him. Surely someone would know by now what Alaric's intentions were. And if Nori knew, he wasn't letting on and was really good at acting.

I stared down at the file, frowning at the photograph. It was a couple years old and taken from what appeared to be a security camera, so it was grainy, but there was no mistaking the face.

A handsome, rugged face of a young man in his early twenties with stubble on a strong jaw. Dark wild hair framed his face, a pair of riding goggles sitting a top his head. He dressed almost like a stereotypical biker out of a romance novel, decked out in leather from head to toe, the material hugging a body so muscular, he was as impressive as Xed.

"He's from Louisiana," Alaric said so I didn't have to read the files and only focused on the man's face as he looked over his shoulder in the photo, as if he sensed someone watching him, "The bayous, actually. He's a hard sucker to follow. The guy likes to jump around and use fake IDs like nobody's business. He's not on the FBI's most wanted, but he's working his way up there. The guy kills without remorse, but here's the thing... He only kills non-humans. He's never actually killed another human being." I frowned.

"Wait, another human being? Are you telling me he's human?" I demanded. Alaric smirked, folding his arms over his chest and giving me a smug smile.

"Oh yeah, baby. He's au naturel. Born to two humans, Bobicus Taylor Rice and Emmy Grace Rice. I had to do some extra pulling of strings for this next information," He added, his expression darkening as he came up close to us and we frowned at him, "He's real secretive about his baby brother, Peter. Apparently, when they were just littluns, mommy and daddy were killed by... Guess who?" I scowled.

"Alaric, this isn't a guessing game--"

"Vladimir Van Gothica!" Val shouted, raising his hand. Everyone turned to stare at him.

"How did you know that?" Alaric demanded, obviously miffed that Val had guessed correctly on the first try. I too was curious, watching Val shrug sheepishly.

"I dunno, cuz it seems like he kills a lot of people and you said he was a hunter right? So I was kinda thinking ohhh, he must be a vampire hunter and just... yeah, anyway. Go on with the story?" He asked hopefully. Alaric studied him suspiciously with a concentrated pout before rolling his eyes and shaking his head, continuing the story.

The Vampire's Requiem [malexmale]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora