The Everlasting Gaze-Prologue

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                             The Everlasting Gaze: Prologue

    Death is part of life. That's a simple concept, everyone knows that at one time or another, today, tomorrow or a seventy years from now their time will come. Of coarse, there are some who believe that they are immortal, that they will live until the sun collides with the earth and the all life ceases. I suppose that is the way most look at their life's, it stops us from fearing the unknown. That is why people turn to religion, to try and numb the fear. But in the end, we are all afraid. People are afraid of the dark because they don't know what lies beneath it, not because the dark is any less appealing than light. We are all afraid, afraid of what we cant see, afraid of ceasing to exist, of being forgotten. This fear is underlying, being covered and covered because people refuse to look at the root of the problem, at the root of all fear: unknowing.


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